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安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui Agri .Sci .2008 ,36( 13) :5315 - 5319 责任编辑 王淼 责任校对 况玲玲 江苏紫菜养殖概况和气候适宜性分析 1 2 1 商兆堂, 蒋名淑, 濮梅娟 ( 1. 江苏省气象局, 江苏南京210008 ;2. 江苏省苏州市气象局, 江苏苏州215021) 摘要 [ 目的] 为提 高紫菜养殖 中减灾与防灾能力提供科学依据 。[ 方法] 以条斑紫菜为试材, 调查江苏省2003 年条斑紫菜 的养殖概 况, 2 利用江苏沿海8 个站点的气象资料分析江苏紫菜养殖 的气候适宜性。[ 结果] 2003 年江苏省条斑紫菜 的养殖 面积达9 640 hm , 产值超过 10 亿元。南通地 区紫菜养殖 面积 、产量和产值均最高, 其次为连云港和盐城 。盐城 东沙的沙洲具较 大发展 潜力。南通地 区气候最适宜 紫菜养殖, 连云港次之, 盐城最差。如 东到启 东沿海, 尤其吕泗附近对于紫菜养殖最为理想。造成 区域 间养殖 紫菜 气候 适宜性差异的主 要是 大风 、冻害、雾害、寡照等 灾害性天 气指标, 而温度等 常规指标 区域间适宜性差异较 小。[ 结论] 加强气象条件等级预报, 可为紫菜病 害的防治提供参考。 关键词 江苏; 紫菜; 养殖; 气候适宜性 中图分类号 S649 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 66 11( 2008) 13 - 05315 - 05 Analysis of the General Situations of Laver Culture in Jiangsu Province and Its Cli matic Suitability SHANG Zhao-tang et al ( Meteorological Bureau of Jiangsu Provi nce , Nanj i ng , Jiangsu 210008) Abstract [ Obj ective] The research ai med to provide the scientific basis for enhancing the abilities of disaster prevention and reduction in laver culture . [ Method] With Porphyra yezoensis as tested materials , the general stations of P. yezoensis i nJiangsu province in 2003 were investigated . Based onthe meteo- rological data from8 stations of Jiangsu coast , the cli matic suitability of laver culture in Jiangsu province was analyzed . [ Result ] The culture area of P. 2 yezoensis in Jiangsu province in 2003 reached 9 640 hm and the production value exceeded one billion yuan . The culture area , yield and production value of laver in Nantong region were all highest , followed by Lianyungang and Yancheng . The shoal of Dongsha Island in Yancheng had greater development potential . Th


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