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应 用 生 态 学 报  2004 年 10 月  第 15 卷  第 10 期                               CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,Oct . 2004 ,15 ( 10) ∶1737~1742 试论东北地区农业节水与农业水资源可持续利用 刘作新 ( 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 ,沈阳 1100 16) 【摘要】 针对振兴东北老工业基地大背景下的东北地区水资源紧缺状况 ,通过对农业水资源和农业节水 潜力的系统分析 ,提出了东北地区的系统农业节水战略. 根据东北地区农业生产特点和农业发展需求 ,进 行节水农业分区 ,确定不同农业类型区节水高效栽培模式与关键集成技术体系. 论述了东北地区农业水资 源可持续利用系统学方略和实施系统节水治水工程的必要性 , 以及农业节水研究的发展趋势. 关键词  水资源短缺 系统节水战略 节水农业 可持续利用 文章编号  100 1 - 9332 (2004) 10 - 1737 - 06  中图分类号  S273  文献标识码  A On water saving agriculture and water resource sustainable utilization in Northeastern China. L IU Zuoxin ( I n s tit ute of A pp lied Ecology , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , S heny ang 1100 16 , China) . Chin . J . A pp l . Ecol . , 2004 ,15 ( 10) :1737~1742 . A strategy of systematic water saving agriculture was proposed based on t he analysis of t he water resource short age regime and t he agricultural water saving potential under t he background of promoting t he old industrial bases in Nort heastern China . Different p attern areas of water saving agriculture were divided ,and integrated water sav ing technique systems and water saving cultivation models were recommended ,according to t heir agricultural pro duction characteristics and develop ment requirement in t he future . The systematic strategy for sustainable utiliza tion of water resource ,t he necessity of applying proj ect for water saving and regulating rivers and watercourses synt hetically ,and t he trends in water saving research in Nort heastern China were discussed . Key words  Water resource shortage , Systematic water saving strategy , Water saving agriculture , Sustainable utilization . 1  引  


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