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play jokes/a joke on … 开玩笑, 戏弄某人 没人喜欢被别人戏弄。 - No one like to be played jokes on by others. make fun of… laugh at… play tricks/ a trick on… loosely adv. 松散地;不紧密地 eg. 我们应该把这些泥土包扎得既不 太松也不太紧。 - We should pack the earth neither too loosely nor too firmly. sort out 1.?arrange things neatly or into groups分类 -The child was sorting out the bricks into different colors.那孩子在把砖分成不同的颜色种类。 -These things will take some sorting out.这些东西要清理一阵子呢! 2.resolve an argument解决;澄清 -You will have to sort out your differences yourselves.你们得自己解决你们的分歧。 -Youd better send somebody over there to sort the situation out.你最好派个人去那儿把情况弄清。 3.organize整顿(人员等) -He took just one month to sort out his new office and the secretarial staff.他仅用了一个月就整顿好了他的新办公室及秘书人员。 -She told him to sort himself out or she would leave him.她告诉他把自己管好,否则她将离开他。 -The school was sorted out in a matter of two months.那所学校用了差不多两个月的时间就整顿好了。 4.?attack sb.?either physically惩处;惩罚 If you dont stop fighting,?I shall come and sort you out.你们要是继续打架,我就要出来惩治你们了。 loose 1)adj. 松;散(与“紧”相对), 处于自由状态(未被关住或 栓住) eg. 那小孩的皮带很松。 - The child’s belt is very loose. 2)vt. 放松;松开;解开 eg. 是谁把那只猫从笼子里放出来的? -Who was it that loosed the cat from a cage? base on /upon 以….为基础, 基于…. 你应该在证据的基础上做出判决。 - You should base your judgment on the evidence. 这故事是有事实依据的。 - The story is based on the facts. actors 演员 actress 女演员 act n. 行为,举动 - It is an act of kindness to help blind man across the street. 帮助盲人过马路是做好事。 act v. 演出;当演员 - She acts well. 她演得很好。 attractive adj. 游客被迷人的风景吸引住了。 -The visitors are attracted by the attractive scenery. fan (1) n. 扇子 an electrical fan 电扇 (2) vt. 扇;吹向 fan oneself 扇自己; fan a fire扇火 (3) n. 狂热者,迷 basketball/football fans 篮/足球迷 pop fans 爱好者,发烧友 …after a year or so大约一年后 1) or so “大约;……左右” ,通


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