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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad . Section A 1a—2c of Unit13 Ⅱ.Date : Ⅲ. Teachers’ words :(practice makes perfect ). Ⅳ. Learning Aims : 1. Master the words and phrases in this part . 2. Can understand the listening… Focal and difficult points : Learn to talk about how things affect you Ⅴ. Learning Steps : step 1 Lean new words and translate 泄湖 科学的 (名词) 粉红色的 光线 坚硬的 服务 公平的 运动 濒临灭绝的 标语 神秘的 有光泽的 皮肤 产品 前景 美貌 使留在外面 Step 2 Finish 1a Look at the picture and talk about “which would you like to go to ? why? ” Step 3 Finish 1b Listen twice and fill in blankes , then check Step 4 Finish 1c 1)Read the dialogue and translate .2) Talk about in pairs Step 5 Explain 1. make 的用法 1)make+宾语+宾语补足语 形容词做宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。Make sb +形容词 使他忧伤 使她紧张 使他们放松 使我们困倦 使我不舒服 2)动词不定式做宾语补足语,表示宾语发出的动作,注意to 要省略。 Make sb do sth 高亢的音乐使我想跳舞 忧伤的歌使我们想哭 她使婴儿停止哭叫 3)变成被动语态,to要还原,把上面三句变成被动语态 1) 2) 3) 4)make sb sth , make sb +过去分词 经历把他磨练成一个男子汉 我们选他当小组长 我讲英语不能使人听懂 他无法使别人听到他说话 2.would rather do sth than do sth =prefer to do ……rather than do …… 这位老人宁愿独自居住也不愿和他们一起住 我宁愿在呆在家里也不愿逛商场 他不愿听摇滚乐 ( )I would prefer to spend the weekend at home shopping . A. to go B. to go C. not to go D. rather than go 3.so---that ------; such--- that--- 的用法 1)他个子这么高,能够着树上的苹果 2)他有那么多朋友,他每天都很高兴 3)他有如此少的钱,买不起小车 Step 5 Finish 2a 1)Listen and number the picture 2) Check Step 6 Finish 2b 1)Read by themselves 2)Listen and check Step 7 Finish 2c 1)Read and practice in pairs , 2) then check Step8 当堂训练 1. There is no (science)basis for such policies . 2. He’d rather here A. staying B. to stay C. stays D. stay 3. 我们必须保持教室干净 4. I was made- (repeat) it . 5. Usually soft colors make people (relax) 6. What make you


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