人教版八年级英语下册课件unit 2-2.ppt

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人教版八年级英语下册课件unit 2-2

P12 4c * Section A(3a-4c) Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. 1.give out 2.hand out 3.put off 4.put up 5.cheer up 6.call up 7.clean up 8.come up with 分发,发放 分发,发放 推迟,拖延 张贴,搭建 使振奋 打电话 打扫干净 想出 put off call up come up with cheer up put up hand out give out Free talk Q:What do you think of being a volunteer ? 开灯的故事 有一个盲人住在一栋楼里。每天晚上他都会到楼下花园去散步。奇怪的是,不论是上楼还是下楼,他虽然只能顺着墙摸索,却一定要按亮楼道里的灯。一天,一个邻居忍不住,好奇地问道:“你的眼睛看不见,为何还要开灯呢?”。盲人回答道:“开灯能给别人上下楼带来方便,也会给我带来方便。”邻居疑惑地问道:“开灯能给你带来什么方便呢?”。盲人答道:“开灯后,上下楼的人都会看见东西,就不会把我撞倒了,这不就给我方便了吗。”邻居这才恍然大悟。 很多时候, 帮助别人就是帮助自己。 你在帮助别人的时候, 你的收获也许会远远大于你的付出。 The rose’s in her hand, the flavor in mine. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 3a Read the article. What do Mario and Marry volunteer to do? 3a. Read the article. What do Mario and Marry volunteer to do? Mario volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mary volunteers for an after-school program to help kids learn to read. 1. Why do Mario and marry volunteer to help others? 2. What do they say about volunteering? 3b to be to learn to care to look to help to do 1. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来。 此句中get的两次用法意义各不相同。第一个get的意思是“产生;形成”,为及物动词,常与feeling (感觉;情感),idea (想法;主意)等词搭配使用。 第二个get是系动词,后接形容词,表示体质、情绪、天气等方面的改变,通常译作 “变得;变为”。 2. She could read by herself at the age of four. (1). “by+反身代词” 表示“独自地;独立的” (2). at the age of 在……岁时 e.g. I could cook by myself (when I was ten) at the age of ten. 动词不定式专讲专练(P111-112) I’d like to help homeless people. She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. Grammar Focus Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. She volunteers there once a week to help kids lean to read. I’m making some signs to put up around the school. 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,其结构为“to+动词原形”,其中to不是介词,而是动词不定


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