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Unit1 Living well Words Revision Lesson Let’s have a competition! Round 1 抢答题 Tell the words or expressions according to the Chinese. You can get 1 point if you are the first to speak out.(根据汉语提示说出单词或者词组,第一个答对的为该队赢得1分) 雄心;野心 适合的;适宜的 有益的;受益的 换句话说 适应 切去;省略;停止 上气不接下气 使不悦;惹恼 颇为生气的 总而言之 闲坐着 ambition suitable beneficial in other words adapt to cut out out of breath annoy annoyed sit around all in all 一、Bold words 和;也 在很多方面 取笑 行为;品行;指挥;管理 不必担心 辞职 祝贺;庆祝 (祝你)一切顺利 足够的;充分的 {接近的}方法;通路;可接近性 遇到;经历 as well as in many ways make fun of conduct never mind resign congratulate congratulation adequate access meet with Round2 必答题 换句话说 ______________ 适合 ______________ 切去_____________ 上气不接下气 _____________ 总而言之 ___________ 闲坐着 __________ 和,也 ___________ 在很多方面 ___________ 取笑 ________________ 不必担心 _______________ 一切顺利 ___________ in other words adapt to cut out out of breath sit around all in all in many ways as well as make fun of never mind all the best 12. 遇到 ______________ 13. bump into _____________ 14. be suitable for ______________ 15. in addition ______________ 16. feel sorry for ______________ 17. in particular ______________ 18. have trouble (in) doing ________________________ meet with 撞到 适合 另外 特别 替…感到惋惜 做某事有困难 Round 3 精英大比拼 课文经典句型回顾与仿写 1.“疑问词+不定式”作宾语 Unfortunately, the doctors dont know __________________ (怎样使我更好), but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 【仿写】老师告诉我们什么时候使用这台机器。 The teacher told us _________________________. 2.every time引导的时间状语从句 ______________________________(每次我在缺课后回来), I felt stupid because I was behind the others. 【仿写】每次我去北京,都去看汤姆。 _______________________, Ill visit Tom. 3.现在分词短语作伴随状语 I have a very busy life with no time to sit around_____________ (顾影自怜). 【仿写】他从山上走来,一路哼着小曲儿。 He walked down the hill,_____________________________. 4.as+adj.+a/an+n.+as... 和……一样…… Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to ________________________ (像你一样过得丰富多彩、


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