八下 第二单元 第一课时.ppt

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八下 第二单元 第一课时

4. Let’s make some notices, too. Then I’ll ____ them ____ after school. 5. We could each ____ ___ 10 students and ask them to come. Helen: Hi, Tom. I’m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer. Tom: Really? I did that last summer! Helen: Oh, what did they ask you to help out with? Tom: Mmm… things like reading the newspaper to the old people, or just talking to them. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. Helen: That sounds interesting. Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely. We should listen to them and care for them. Helen: You’re right. I mean, we’re all going to be old one day, too. come up with 提出(观点,看法)。 e.g. He’s?come up with?a great idea. 他想出了一个绝好的办法。 I came up with a better plan than that.? 我提供了一个比那还好的计划。 clean up “打扫;清理”。如果在clean 和up间加个连字符号, 它就是名词了, 意为“扫除”。 e.g. You must give your classroom a good clean-up. 你必须对教室进行彻底地打扫。 Who are they? They’re volunteers. They usually volunteer to help others. Watch a video and answer the questions. How could we help people? We could help clean up the parks. We could help sick people in the hospital. We could help plant trees. help the old people help give out food at the food bank city n. 城市 The library is in the north of the city. 图书馆在城市的北部。 notice n. 公告牌; 通告;布告 Please read the list on the notice board. 请读公告板上的名单。 Look around, we could see no sign of life. 环顾四围,我们看不出一点生命的迹象。 sign n. 标志;信号 Many people volunteer to work on the farm. 很多人志愿到农场去工作。 volunteer v. 义务劳动,自愿做 volunteer to do sth. 义务自愿做某事 The students take turns to clean up their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。 clean up 打扫;清除 give out 分发;散发 Please help me give out these test papers. 请帮我将这些试卷发下去。 I don’t feel lonely because I made new friends here. 我不觉得孤独因为我交了新朋友。 lonely adj. 孤独的;寂寞的 Jack used to be short, but now he’s tall. 杰克过去很矮,但现在高了。 used to 曾经, 过去 Look at the ways you could help people in the picture. Then list other ways. 1a 1. ______________________


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