Career As a Food Chemist Using Science and Technology to Make Food Safe, Healthful and Delicious-[Institute For Career Research]化学.pdf

Career As a Food Chemist Using Science and Technology to Make Food Safe, Healthful and Delicious-[Institute For Career Research]化学.pdf

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Career As a Food Chemist Using Science and Technology to Make Food Safe, Healthful and Delicious-[Institute For Career Research]化学

CAREER AS A FOOD CHEMIST In sti tute Re search Num ber 203 ISBN 1-58511-203-8 DOT Num ber 041.081-010 O*Net SOC Code 19-1012.00 CAREER AS A FOOD CHEMIST USING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE FOOD SAFE, HEALTHFUL AND DELICIOUS AS HU MAN BE INGS, WE ALL NEED TO EAT IN OR DER TO SUR VIVE, AND WHAT WE eat is food. The food in dus try is ac tu ally the larg est man u fac tur ing in dus try in the United States. Ev ery food prod uct in your lo cal gro cery store and many of the foods listed on your fa vor ite res tau rant menu have been de vel oped by peo ple work ing in food sci ence – food chem ists. The Food and Drug Ad min is tra tion (FDA) is re spon si ble for mak ing sure that the food we eat, ex cept for meat and poul try, is safe and la beled ac cu rately. To do this, the agency en forces the 2 Fed eral Food, Drug and Cos metic Act, which guar an tees that foods are safe, clean and whole some. The Food Safety and In spec tion Ser vice (FSIS) is re spon si ble for the safety of meat and poul try. Un der fed eral law, an i mals must be ex am ined be fore and af ter they are slaugh tered to make sure they are not dis eased. The FSIS also makes sure that only ap proved in gre di ents are used in pro cessed meat prod ucts by ex am in ing the la bels. By pro cessed meat prod ucts, we mean canned foods that are ready to eat when the pack age is opened, like Spam and dev illed ham. These two agen cies set the stan dards for our food and tend to es tab lish very strict pro ce dures for food chem ists and oth ers in volved in pro duc ing our food sup ply. If harm ful sub stances are not de tected be fore a food item goes on the gro cery shelf, there can be wide spread sick ness and even death. You may re mem ber an in ci dent where tainted beef made its way into fast food bur gers and sev eral peo ple died. Gov ern ment in spec tors go to food pro cess ing plants to make sur


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