Careers in Natural and Organic Foods Retailing-[Institute for Career Research]化学.pdf

Careers in Natural and Organic Foods Retailing-[Institute for Career Research]化学.pdf

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Careers in Natural and Organic Foods Retailing-[Institute for Career Research]化学

CAREERS IN NATURAL AND ORGANIC FOODS RETAILING In sti tute Re search Num ber 671 ISBN 1-58511-671-8 DOT Num ber 290.477-018 O*Net SOC Code 41-1011.00 CAREERS IN NATURAL AND ORGANIC FOODS RETAILING HEALTH FOOD STORES BUSINESS OWNERSHIP EV ERY ONE MUST EAT, SO WORK ING FOR A FOOD STORE CAN BE A VERY SE CURE job. You can start such work while you are still in high school. If you con tinue, you may not need a col lege de gree to prog ress into man age ment, how ever, hav ing a de gree will in crease your chances for ad vance ment and higher earn ings. Own ing your own gro cery store can pro vide a vary com fort able liv ing, but own ing your own nat u ral foods store can be fi nan cially ben e fi cial as well as sat is fy ing in a so cially and eco log i cally re spon si ble way. 2 “Nat u ral” foods are those that have been pro duced with a min i mal amount of pro cess ing and that do not con tain pre ser va tives. “Or ganic” foods are those that have been pro duced with out the use of syn thetic fer til iz ers and pes ti cides, ge netic en gi neer ing or bio tech nol ogy, growth hor mones, ir ra di a tion or an ti bi ot ics. Nat u ral foods can be or ganic, but or ganic foods need to be cer ti fied be fore they can be la beled as such. Be fore a farm can pro duce any or ganic food, it must be in spected by a rep re sen ta tive from the United States De part ment of Ag ri cul ture (USDA) to make sure it meets agency stan dards. If the or ganic food will be dis trib uted through stores or res tau rants, those out lets must be cer ti fied as well. Al though most con sum ers think of fruits and veg e ta bles when they con sider or ganic foods, there are also or ganic meats, pas tas, sauces, frozen meals, choc o late, and dairy prod ucts. The la bel should al ways state “or ganic.” The


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