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2012届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:手动套丝辅助装置的设计 学生姓名: 所在院系: 机电学院 所学专业: 机电技术教育 导师姓名: 完成时间:2012年 5 月 9 日 摘 要 随着我国机械行业的快速发展,板牙的使用领域已经非常广泛,板牙是一种及其常用的加工外螺纹的刀具,但是由于传统手用板牙的设计很难保证板牙轴线与工件轴线同心,以及操作者的经验不足等很容易造成加工出的螺纹出现烂牙、螺纹轴线歪斜、中径小等缺陷,最终导致螺纹不能够正常使用。故本论文设计此板牙辅助装置,以此装置来改善加工的螺纹精度,提高效率。 本文基于螺纹容易出现的种种缺陷,首先改进原有的手动外螺纹加工机构,本文设计的辅助装置通过4个导向套与4个光轴的高精度的间隙配合限制机构的4个自由度,再加上轴承与工作台的过盈配合而4个光轴固定在工作台上,使整个装置可以通过4个手柄做旋转运动,而4个支撑架上都有十字形的孔,通过螺栓连接可以把此装置牢牢固定,并可以实现此装置的前后左右移动,来加工不同直经的工件,使板牙轴线与工件轴线同心,从而可以大大提高加工精度,接着对此辅助装置上所有受力零部件进行受力分析强度校核,确保每个零件都能满足使用要求。然后对此装置的工作原理进行优化,使它尽量的结构简单,并且可以最大程度的提高精度。最后基于SolidWorks对所造型设计全部零件进行虚拟装配,反馈设计合理与否并做相应的改进设计,得出最优设计方案。 关键词:板牙,辅助装置,设计方案 Abstract Chinas machinery industrys rapid development, the die is the use of field is very wide, and the die is a kind of commonly used manual processing thread cutter, but due to design defects in the die itself is very difficult to guarantee the die axis and the axis of workpiece concentric, as well as the operators lack of experience and is very easy to cause the processing of the thread appears rotten teeth, screw skew, diameter small defects, eventually led to the thread can not normal use.This paper design the die auxiliary device, this device to improve the processing precision of screw thread, improve efficiency. In this paper, based on thread prone to defects, first of all to improve the original manual external screw thread processing mechanism, this paper designed auxiliary device through the 4 guide sleeve and the optical axis of the high precision of clearance limiting mechanism of 5 degrees of freedom, coupled with the bearing and the working table that can fit through the 4 handle rotation motion, while the 4 support frame has ten shaped hole, connected by bolts to the device is firmly fixed, and can implement this device for moving around, to the processing of different diameter workpiece, so that the die axis and the axis of workpiece concentric, which can greatly improve the machining precision, and this


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