典型蒸发冷却空调系统的应用能效分析 energy efficiency analysis of typically evaporative cooling air conditioning applying to various areas.pdfVIP
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典型蒸发冷却空调系统的应用能效分析 energy efficiency analysis of typically evaporative cooling air conditioning applying to various areas
2016年12月 制 冷
第4期(第35卷总137期) 43
文章编号: ISSN1005-9180 (2016) 04-043-06
陈朋飞, 沈 洪, 陈东哲
( 广东省建筑设计研究院, 广州 150010 )
[摘要] 文中对地处乌鲁木齐、 二连浩特、 兰州等6个地区的同一假定商业建筑, 分别采用直接蒸发冷
却、 间接-直接蒸发冷却、 三级蒸发冷却等形式的蒸发冷却空调系统进行计算, 着重分析了这些典型形式
的蒸发冷却空调在上述地区应用时的运行能效水平。 结果显示, 各典型形式的蒸发冷却空调系统在不同地
区的能效水平相差很大, 极大的依赖于当地的气候状况。 在理论上适用的地区, 有相当一部分的综合能效
水平并不高, 在具体设计时须认真进行评估分析。
[关键词] 直接蒸发冷却; 间接蒸发冷却; 耗功率; 能效比
中图分类号: TU831 文献标示码: B doi: 10.3696/ J.ISSN.1005-9180.2016.04.008
Energy Efficiency Analysis of Typically Evaporative Cooling
Air Conditioning Applying to Various Areas
CHEN Pengfei, SHEN Hong, CHEN Dongzhe
(Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province, guangzhou, 150010)
Abstract: This paper takesthe air conditioning systems of the direct evaporative cooling,indirect-direct evapora-
tive cooling,three-stage evaporative cooling and other evaporative cooling forms to calculate the same commercial
building structure in Urumchi,Erenhot,Lanzhou andother six areas,and emphatically analyzestheoperationlevel
of energyefficiencyindifferentlytypicalformsofevaporativecooling. Theresultsshowthattheenergyefficiencylev-
el of differently typical forms of evaporative cooling air conditioning in different regions are quite different,which
mainly dependsonthelocalclimatecondition. Thecomprehensiveenergyefficiencylevelof sometheoreticallyappli-
cable areas has less advantages. Thus,it should be assessed and analyzed carefully in the actual design.
Key words: direct evaporative cooling; indirect evaporative cooling;power consumption; energy efficiency ratio
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