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点燃式cng发动机燃烧系统的优化 optimization of combustion system of spark ignition cng engines
第 22 卷 第 5 期 燃 烧 科 学 与 技 术 Vol.22 No.5
2016 年 10 月 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology Oct. 2016
DOI 10.11715/rskxjs.R201507019
点燃式 CNG 发动机燃烧系统的优化
1 2 1 1
黎 明 ,孙 霞 ,郑清平 ,黎 苏
(1. 河北工业大学能源与环境工程学院,天津 300401 ;2. 中国重汽集团公司技术中心,济南 250001)
摘 要 :在开发某 CNG 发动机的过程中,发动机出现了进气回火、排气放炮等性能不稳定现象.本文借助 CFD 软
关键词 :CNG 发动机;燃烧室形状;湍流,火焰传播
中图分类号:TK464 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1006-8740 (2016)05-0475-05
Optimization of Combustion System of Spark Ignition CNG Engines
1 2 1 1
Li Ming ,Sun Xia ,Zheng Qingping ,Li Su
(1.School of Energy and Environmental Engineering ,Hebei University of Technology ,Tianjin 300401 ,China ;
2.Research Center of SINOTRUK ,Ji′nan 250001 ,China)
Abstract :In developing the CNG engine ,the unstable phenomena ,such as tempering during air intaking and ex-
plosion during exhausting ,occur frequently.This paper is to optimize the structure of combustion chamber according
to the simulations of gas flow and combustion inside the cylinder by using the CFD software.Comparisons are made
between the new and original types of combustion chambers by analyzing the differences in terms of turbulence en-
ergy and the spread and development of fla
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