碘化法提取废旧手机线路板微生物浸出残渣中的金 extracting gold from the bioleaching residue of pcb by iodide process.pdfVIP
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碘化法提取废旧手机线路板微生物浸出残渣中的金 extracting gold from the bioleaching residue of pcb by iodide process
第36卷第2期 矿 冶 工 程 Vol.36 №2
1 2 1 1 1 2 1
白建峰 ,白 静 ,戴 珏 ,赵 静 ,张承龙 ,邓明强 ,王景伟
(1.上海电子废弃物资源化产学研合作开发中心,上海 201209;2.森蓝环保(上海)有限公司,上海 201204)
摘 要:采用绿色化学试剂碘⁃碘化钾体系提取废旧手机线路板(PCB)微生物浸出残渣中的金(Au),全面考察了碘质量分数、碘与
碘化钾摩尔比、双氧水用量、固液比、pH值、浸出时间等因素对碘化法提Au 的影响,并通过正交试验确定了最优浸金条件。 结果表
明,碘化法浸Au 的最佳条件为:碘质量分数 1.0%、碘与碘化钾摩尔比1∶10、双氧水用量1.5%、固液比1∶20,在pH 7、温度28 ℃条
件下振荡反应4 h,Au浸出率达到95.12%。 微生物预处理⁃碘化法提金工艺绿色环保,有望为电子废弃物资源化领域提供一定的技
中图分类号:X705 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/ j.issn.0253 6099.2016.02.018
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文章编号:0253 6099(2016)02 0062 05
Extracting Gold from the Bioleaching Residue of PCB by Iodide Process
1 2 1 1 1 2 1
BAI Jian⁃feng ,BAI Jing ,DAI Jue ,ZHAOJing ,ZHANG Cheng⁃long ,DENG Ming⁃qiang ,WANGJing⁃wei
(1.Electronic WasteRecycling Industry CooperationDevelopment Center,Shanghai201209,China;2.SenlanEnvironmental
Protection Limited Company,Shanghai201204,China)
Abstract:The iodine⁃iodideleachingsystemwasadoptedtoextractgoldfromtheresidueafterbioleachingPCBofwaste
mobile phone. Effects of various factors, such as the mass fraction of iodine, the mole ratio of iodide and iodine,
hydrogen peroxide dosage,liquid⁃solid ratio,the pH value of solution and leaching time,on the gold extraction were
investigated,with resultstakenfor orthogonal test,leading to thefollowing optimal gold leachi
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