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2011, 26(2) : 105~ 110 Journal of Northw est Forestry University , , ( , 211153) 2+ - 6 : 采用营养液培养方法培养柳树插条, 测定了Cd 浓度为5.0 @ 10 的污染状况下26 个灌 - 6 木型柳树杂种 131 个无 系的叶片和枝条的镉含量结果显示, 枝条镉含量在 39. 68 @ 10 ~ - 6 - 6 - 6 162.40@ 10 之间, 叶片镉含量在53. 55@ 10 ~ 298. 43@ 10 之间; 11 个主要杂种间的叶片及枝 条的镉含量没有显著差异; 90%以上的无 系的叶片镉含量高于枝条的镉含量因此, 可以直接通 过无 系测定选育枝条及叶片镉含量高的新品种 : 灌木型柳树;镉; 吸收积累 状; 遗传变异 : S722. 36 :A : 1001-7461(2011) 02-0105-06 Cadmium Absorption Characters of Bush Willow WANG You-liang , WANG Bao-song , SHI Shi-zheng ( J i ang s u A c ade my of F or estr y , N anj in g, J iang s u 211153, China) Abstract: Cadmium contents in the leaves and twigs of 131 clones of bush willow cultured in nutrient solu- tion with a cadmium concentration of 5.0@ 10- 6 were measured. Cadmium contents ranged from 39. 68@ 10- 6 to 162.40@ 10- 6 in twigs of tested clones, while from 53. 55@ 10- 6 to 298. 43@ 10- 6 in leaves. No sig- nificant differences were found among 11major hybrids in cadmium contents in leaves or twigs; there were different correlations between cadmium contents in leaves and those in twigs for each hybrid; cadmium contents in leaves were higher than those in twigs for 90 % of tested clones. These results suggested that selections of new willow varieties could be got available through directly testing clones for higher cadmium contents in twigs or leaves. Key words: bush willow; cadmium; absorption character; genetic variation (S al ix sp.) , [ 1] [ 3] ,


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