
201609 四年级英语夏耘6-36完整通过版.doc

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201609 四年级英语夏耘6-36完整通过版

总课时数 6 课题 Lesson6 Betty’s Clothes 第 6 课时 教学目标 1.学生能够听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 2.学生能就故事进行提问和回答。 3. 学生能够用自己的语言分角色表演故事。理解8幅图的句子的意思教学光盘问候Greeting? 复习上节课学过的衣服单词,复习一星期七天的知识。课文导入Lesson hook:现在,我们来认识一位女孩,她叫Betty,她将要参加一个聚会。她到底穿什么衣服去呢?让我们从课文中找出答案吧!看图片预测。新概念New concepts:Story time: Betty’s Clothes阅读活动:将故事从头到尾逐图过一遍,帮助学生理解故事情节。 Panel 1: What’s the girl’s name? What day is it? What is she going to do? Panel 2: What colour are the shorts? What else can you see in the closet? Panel 3: What colour are thetrousers 1.问候Greeting?复习上节课学过的衣服单词,利用句型What’s this/What are these? I like your dress, 新单词:Sunday,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday她到底穿什么衣服去呢?让我们从课文中找出答案吧! 看图片预测。读前活动:看图讨论 看教科书,利用每一幅图讨论故事梗概。思考问题: Where is the girl??? What’s the girl doing?? What clothes are in the pictures?? What are they talking about? 思考问题What colour are the shorts? What else can you see in the closet? What colour are the trousers? trousers? What colour is the T-shirt? Does Betty like them? Panel 4: What colour is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater? Panel 5: What colour is the shirt/skirt? When will Betty wear them? Panel 6: What day will Betty wear this scarf? Panel 7: What clothes does Betty decide to wear? Panel 8: What do you want to wear at the party? 1.教师范读,速度要慢,辅以动作和手势。适时解释个别不懂的单词。 2.播放光盘,学生大声跟读,读出韵味。四、巩固练习,组内互助 读后活动: 1.学生大声跟读,读出韵味。2.分角色表演故事。将全班分成8人一组(Betty和7件说话的衣服),给学生一些时间来练习语言和动作,然后在全班展示。 思考问题What colour is the T-shirt? Does Betty like them? Panel 4: What colour is the sweater? Does Betty like the sweater? Panel 5: What colour is the shirt/skirt? When will Betty wear them? Panel 6: What day will Betty wear this scarf? Panel 7: What clothes does Betty decide to wear? Panel 8: What do you want to wear at the party? 7.展示交流大声朗读学生大声跟读,读出韵味。 Lesson6 Betty’s Clothes coat/cap/T-shirt/scarf/dress. These are trousers/gloves/shoes/socks/shorts. Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 作业设计 听录音,熟读课文。 2.尝试用英语讲故事。 教学反思 总课时数 7 课题 Again, Please!


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