《一夜风 流 中英对照经典名片》对外翻译文学教育.pdf

《一夜风 流 中英对照经典名片》对外翻译文学教育.pdf

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C M Y K Memorable Quotes 经典台词 [ ] , Ellie Andrews Well I proved once and [埃莉·安德鲁斯]我至少证明大腿比大拇 for all that the limb is mightier 指有用多了。 than the thumb. [ ] , Peter Warne You know I saw an island [彼得·沃恩]我曾经到过一个太平洋的小 in the Pacific once. Never been 岛,到现在还无法忘怀,我想带 ’ ’ able to forget it. That s where I d 着我的爱人到那里去 。 她一定要 like to take her. She ’d have to 是一个像我一样喜欢冲浪的人。 be the sort of a girl who ’d jump 在那里,有时你会感觉自己与月 in the surf with me and love it as 光、海水融为一体,成为无比广 much as I did. You know , nights 阔和伟大事物的一部分,住在那 when you , the moon and the 里再好不过,你会感到伸手就能 water all become one , you feel 摘下天上的星星。 ’ you re part of something big and ’ marvelous. That s the only place 1 C M Y K to live. The stars are so close overhead you feel you could reach up and stir them around. [ ] ’ [彼得·沃恩]谁,我? 我是夜晚嚎叫的夜 Peter Warne Who me? I m the whip- ’ 鹰,我是那轻拂你美丽脸庞的晨 poorwill that cries in the night. I m the soft morning breeze that ca- 风。 resses your lovely face. [ ]


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