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湖 南 涉 外 经 济 学 院 本科毕业论文(设计) 电子商务网站优化及推广的 题 目 研究与设计 作 者 学 院 专 业 学 号 指导教师 徐文 信息科学与工程学院 计算机科学与技术 09430722116013 文雄军 二〇一三 年 五 月 十五 日 摘 要 近二十年来,随着我国的改革开放持续推进和经济的高速发展,电子商务在中国社会生活中成为了一个新的领域,拥有着强大的生命力和快速的发展趋势,企业网站、商业网站、个人网站、电子商务网站等各种网站迅速崛起。在日趋激烈的市场竞争中企业为了占有更多的市场份额,纷纷建立起自己的网站。如何使一个网站特别是电子商务网站能在Internet上稳定运营,获得更多的流量与用户访问量,带来更多的利润,对网站进行一个良好的优化与精准的推广是必不可少的。 此网站是基于ASP.NET动态网站设计平台和SQL SEVER 2005数据库进行设计开发出来的。首先, 通过测试,对比幸福书苑优化前与优化后的功能、安全性、界面友好性、SEO、营销与推广作出分析,后者功能更加完善,界面更加友好,更利于SEO,营销的策略与方法多样,且更加具有实际的可操作性。 关键词:网站优化;SEO;电子商务;网站推广 I ABSTRACT In nearly 20 years, along with our country’s reform and opening-up continues to advance and economic rapid development, E-commerce in China has become a new field of social life, it has a strong vitality and rapidly development trend, Enterprise website, business website, personal websites and e-commerce sites and other sites rise rapidly. Enterprises in the increasingly fierce market competition in order to occupy more market share, have set up their own websites. How to make a website especially e-commerce sites can stable operation on the Internet, get more traffic and visitors, bring more profits, the optimization of site for a good and accurate marketing is indispensable. This paper presents an example of a web site – happiness book website, it’s optimization and promotion was introduced in detail. This website is based on the ASP.NET dynamic web design platform and SQL SEVER 2005 database design and development. At first, this paper theoretically studies how Visual Studio 2010 platform to effective optimization of dynamic website, combined with happiness book website of target function, it cannot find drawbacks make it more perfect; Secondly, from the website of SEO and database safety is optimized, make it accessible to Search Engine Search, system more security; Finally, combined with the present popular marketing methods and strategies, analysis of how to efficiently promote happiness New York website, make


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