Prenatal Risk Factors - Buffalo State College Faculty and Staff 产前危险因素-水牛城州立学院的教职员工.ppt

Prenatal Risk Factors - Buffalo State College Faculty and Staff 产前危险因素-水牛城州立学院的教职员工.ppt

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Prenatal Risk Factors - Buffalo State College Faculty and Staff 产前危险因素-水牛城州立学院的教职员工

Prenatal Risk Factors PSY 417 Maternal Status Maternal Nutrition Protein Folic Acid Maternal Diseases HIV Diabetes Prenatal Infections: STORCH Syphilis Toxoplasmosis Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes Teratogen “toxic” agents that cause deficits/malformations in the fetus Agent that can produce a permanent alteration of structure or function in an organism exposed during embyronic or fetal life. Example of a Malformation Agent Orange Thalidomide Factors That Influence Teratogenicity Nature of the agent Factors That Influence Teratogenicity Gestational timing Timing Alcohol Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) confirmed maternal drinking during pregnancy pattern of facial features growth retardation evidence of CNS disturbance Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE) Mechanism of Transmission FAS: Brain development Facial Features: Dysmorphology Cigarettes Low birth weight CNS deficits - LD, Attention SIDS Respiratory problems Increased risk for cancer Cigarettes Cocaine No addiction Crack baby myth Prematurity Growth retardation - SGA Poorer reflexes Other Teratogens Radiation - genetic mutations, malformed organs Aspirin - enamel defects Other Teratogens Rubella Norman Gregg An Australian opthamologist In early 1940s, saw many blind infants Surveyed his colleagues in Sydney Found 78 blind infants visited doctors that year 68 had been exposed to rubella Published 1941 paper about rubella and infant blindness Rubella continued Norman Gregg 1941 paper reported widely in popular press When it came out, Gregg got two phone calls Mothers who had rubella during first trimester Infants were not blind but deaf Sent others to check the historical records Outbreaks of rubella had regularly been followed by epidemics of infant blindness and hearing problems Thus, learned that rubella is a teratogen Today – vaccine. * * There is no such thing as a teratogenic agent. Many agents can produce a teratogenic effect under some circumstances. Dose Route Frequency of exposure Duration of exposure Concurrent


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