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《包装结构设计》课程设计说明书 题目:西湖龙井茶的包装结构设计 学生姓名:陈超 专 业:包装工程 学 号:100217102 指导老师:袁艳 时 间:2013.6.17—2013.6.28 西安工业大学机电工程学院 摘要 包装设计在现今品牌竞争的年代,重要意义已远远超出了其基本功能价值,它已成为宣传商品、促进销售、创建品牌的重要因素。因此,让相同的商品以差异化形态展现在顾客眼前就是提高商品在消费者面前就成为包装设计的主要目的。 因此,在设计中要注意内包装的选材以及包装方式,外包装有一定可加工性,并具有一定的强度,在装潢图上也要做到能激发消费者的购买欲望。 关键词:包装 ABSTRACT Packaging design in todays era of brand competition, its significance goes far beyond its basic functional value, it has become a promotional merchandise to promote sales, an important factor in creating the brand. So let the same commodity to differentiate forms show in front of customers is to improve the product in front of consumers has become the main purpose of packaging design. The design is the subject of: Packaging design. I chose one of Chinas top ten West Lake Longjing tea as the design of the object, in this design is mainly to highlight the design of the program can be easily applied to production practice, and can play a role in promoting the sale of tea, can effectively achieve the durability requirements of tea, and allow subsequent applications can be packaged. packaging, the packagin Therefore, in the design should pay attention to the packaging material selection and g has some workability, and has a certain intensity, but also to do the decoration on the map to stimulate consumer desire to buy. KEY WORDS: PACKAGE, TEA, DESIGN 目录 第一章:西湖龙井茶的特性分析·······························1 1.1 西湖龙井茶包装的现状调查分析································1 1.2 西湖龙井茶的性能及包装要求分析······························2 1.3 西湖龙井茶的包装方案设计····································3 第二章:西湖龙井茶的内包装设计····························4 2.1 容器造型方案设计············································4 2.2 包装材料及选择依据··········································4 2.3 包装结构设计与计算··········································4 2.3.1 内包装结构一·············································4 2.3.2 内包装结构二·············································5 2.4 容器造型与装潢设计··········································6 2.4.1 复合袋的造型与装潢


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