阅读PPT课件╲tmilitary ranks 军衔对比.ppt

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阅读PPT课件╲tmilitary ranks 军衔对比

—Book 4. 28.Brass Hats By Ernie Pyle Framework Part 1. Definition Definition Within modern armed forces, the use of ranks is almost universal. Communist states have sometimes abolished rank (e.g., the Soviet Red Army 1918–1935,[3] the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army 1965–1988,[4] and the Albanian Army 1966–1991[5]), only to re-establish them after encountering operational difficulties of command and control. 军衔在15世纪一16世纪产生于西欧一些国家,所以习惯上称为西欧式军衔。军衔是区别军人等级的称号,一般分为将官、校官、尉官、士官和士兵5等,每级再细分数级。部分国家设元帅和准尉。 军衔(台湾称军阶)是指军队中对不同职务的军人授予的等级称号,军衔将军人的荣誉称号、待遇等级和职务因素融为一体,使其兼有调整部队指挥关系和调整个人利益关系的两种功能。军衔分为永久军衔和临时军衔两类。一般称军衔是指永久军衔。 军衔一般分为军官和士兵两大体系。军衔制度的意义,主要是有利于提高军人的荣誉感和责任心,加强军队的组织纪律性,方便部队的指挥与管理,促进正规化建设,对国际联盟作战和军队间交往也具有重要作用。 Part 2. Special Cases Contrast Range Table Contrast Part 3. We have got to know。。。 Thank You! * * L/O/G/O Definition Special cases Military ranks are a system of hierarchical relationships in armed forces, police, intelligence agencies or other institutions organized along military lines. Usually, uniforms denote the bearers rank by particular insignia affixed to the uniforms. Ranking systems have been known for most of military history to be advantageous for military operations, in particular with regards to logistics, command, and coordination; as time continued and military operations became larger and more complex, military ranks increased and ranking systems themselves became more complex. [Image Info] WIZDATA Inc. - Note to customers : This image has been licensed to be used within this PowerPoint template only. You may not extract the image for any other use. England China America Army 陆军 Navy 海军 Air Force空军 中国军衔 Rank in Chinese Armed Forces 美国军衔 Rank in US Armed Forces 英国军衔 Rank in UK Armed Forces General of Army (五星上将) Field Marshal (陆军元帅) 一级上将 General First Class 上将 General General General 中将 Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Lieutenant General 少将 Major General Major General Major General Brigadier General (准将) B


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