
analysis of the dynamic characteristics of tieling city and sustainable use of groundwater analysis(铁岭市的动态特性分析和地下水可持续利用分析).doc

analysis of the dynamic characteristics of tieling city and sustainable use of groundwater analysis(铁岭市的动态特性分析和地下水可持续利用分析).doc

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analysis of the dynamic characteristics of tieling city and sustainable use of groundwater analysis(铁岭市的动态特性分析和地下水可持续利用分析)

Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of Tieling City and sustainable use of groundwater analysis Paper Keywords dynamic characteristics of the sustainable use of groundwater Abstract Tieling City is currently under development and utilization of groundwater, the use of groundwater resources that exist in some of the issues proposed sustainable use of groundwater in order to promote sustained and healthy economic and social development. Tieling City in Liaoning Province, north, north China’s important industrial base of the food and energy industry base, its high level of groundwater exploitation in order to guarantee the economic development of Tieling City, had to over-exploitation in many parts of water stability, ease of development of groundwater , leading to a series of questions, especially to reduce the amount of groundwater and water quality degradation by the general concern of the community, promote sustainable development in today’s long-term efficient use of groundwater resources has become imperative. 1 dynamic characteristics of groundwater Tieling City, according to the conditions and hydraulic characteristics of groundwater occurrence, groundwater can be classified as loose rock pore water, pore water clastic rocks and fractured bedrock fissure water. Unconsolidated rock pore water for this area the main groundwater types. The main source of groundwater recharge is precipitation, infiltration of precipitation bedrock fracture is the main way to recharge groundwater, precipitation into the ground along the bedrock fissures, forming the bedrock fissure water, and then to underground spring in the form of runoff or, supply the fourth Department of pore water or streams. In addition the upper and lateral high groundwater recharge, and part-time runoff water supply, irrigation water infiltration is a supply source. A groundwater level dynamic characteristics dynamic groundwater level and river affected by atmospheric



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