analysis of the new curriculum for primary school mathematics teaching guide research heuristic(分析新课程对小学数学教学指导研究启发式).doc
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analysis of the new curriculum for primary school mathematics teaching guide research heuristic(分析新课程对小学数学教学指导研究启发式)
Analysis of the new curriculum for primary school mathematics teaching guide research heuristic
Paper Keywords: new heuristic teaching elementary school mathematics curriculum guide research
Abstract: At present, the new curriculum teaching ideas and concepts have been deep into the primary school teaching in elementary school mathematics teaching process, teachers should actively incorporate new math curriculum ideas as heuristic teaching elementary school mathematics guiding ideology in this, Primary Mathematics Teacher pointed heuristic teaching methods should focus on the student’s guidance, proposed heuristic teaching elementary school mathematics should highlight the inspiration and innovation, focused on heuristic teaching elementary school mathematics precise coaching.
Under the new curriculum requirements, teachers should become curriculum designers, students collaborator school mathematics teachers should innovative teaching mode, teaching content to increase research and development, primary school mathematics teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students’ awareness of the problem, heuristic teaching in primary mathematics teaching, teachers for students to create an awareness of the problem of teaching atmosphere, inspire students to think about and discuss issues, to enable students to explore issues into context and classroom materials into student life experience being in such situations, teachers and students are equal, equal learning to carry out dialogue heuristic teaching should provide students with creative thinking and answer questions opportunity for students to gain access to new knowledge to solve problems and feelings of success Therefore, attention should be paid to the new elementary school mathematics curriculum teaching philosophy of research, teaching positive heuristic approach to classroom teaching, to create new teaching model that allows all students to participate in teaching activities, students contin
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