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analysis of water management in construction(分析水资源管理的建设)
Analysis of water management in construction
Abstract: This paper during the construction of the waterproof construction preparation, construction, operation and final acceptance of the management has done a detailed analysis and elaboration.
Keywords: waterproof construction management 0 Introduction Waterproofing is a systems management project, its maintenance, materials, design, management and construction of a project such as the occurrence of any flaws in both the overall water quality of the projects adversely affected, and thus lead to leakage of the project. ‘Design is the premise , the material is the foundation, construction management is key, ‘has generally become the consensus, so the scientific management of water project construction quality assurance, but also to improve efficiency, reduce the material consumption, to achieve cost savings.
Waterproof construction management, including construction preparation, construction, operation, completion and acceptance of three links.
1 construction preparation Create favorable conditions for the construction, to ensure smooth waterproof construction, part of the pre-construction preparation is to ensure the construction quality of the premise, and the indispensable accordance with requirements of waterproofing and technical features of schedule, strength of construction and a reasonable allocation, deployment and organization, to create for the waterproofing technology, management, personnel and material advantage.
1.1 technical preparation 1.1.1 Construction and technical personnel should be through an objective reality, such as the importance of the building and its geographical location, the characteristics of roofing and so on lt;lt;Roof Engineering Quality Acceptancegt;gt; GB50207-2002, lt;lt;underground water Engineering Quality Acceptancegt;gt; GB50208-2002 and other related construction technology and practices and national regulations, careful research and study, c
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