analysis on the implementation of general education vocational secretarial profession ways(分析实施通识教育职业秘书职业的方式).doc
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analysis on the implementation of general education vocational secretarial profession ways(分析实施通识教育职业秘书职业的方式)
Analysis on the implementation of general education vocational secretarial profession Ways
Abstract: General Education Vocational training is a comprehensive development of high skilled personnel, improve the quality of education and teaching an important way in the secretarial profession in school, you can complete required courses, elective courses in system planning and design, the implementation of reading plans and other ways to implement general education.
Paper Keywords: vocational, secretarial profession, education, way
Higher vocational education as an important part of the organization and shoulder training for production, construction, service and management needs highly skilled frontline mission in our country and accelerating the socialist modernization drive has an irreplaceable role in the Current deepen vocational colleges connotation construction, improve the quality of higher vocational education course, Liberal Studies Higher education is more and more managers and researchers on the agenda, according to Chinese news report higher vocational education : in November 2011, held at the Shanghai Second Polytechnic University of cross-strait Symposium on Applied Higher Education, the experts suggested that, as an integral part of higher education, vocational education general education course should also be introduced, in order to cultivate comprehensive development of high skilled personnel.
However, there are many vocational colleges in personnel training process, still based on skills development as the goal, pay little attention to general education, which is caused by migration of college graduates and post poor ability to adapt is not strong positions , the lack of capacity for sustainable development and other issues important reasons. to secretarial profession, for example, many vocational colleges professional school secretary is also the secretary of the students in vocational skills emphasized, ignoring the students’ professi
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