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6 4 () Vo.l 6 No. 4 2006 12 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY ( ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) Dec, 2006 传导性 EM I噪声的智能处理及参数建模研究 沈雪梅, 赵 阳, 李世锦, 尹海平 (, 210042) [] , , , , . , . , , EM I. [] , , , [] TN43 [ ] A [] 1672-1292( 2006) 04-00 11-06 Intellectual System of Conducted EM I Noise and its Param eter-M odeling SHEN X uem e,i ZHAO Yang, L I Sh ijin, Y IN Ha ip ing ( School of E lectric l nd Autom tion Engineering, N nj ing Norm lUn iversity, N njing 210042, Ch in ) Abstract: A s most prob lem s of the conducted EM I noise is not solved so perfectly, the p per presents n intellectu l system of conducted noise di gnosis nd suppression. The sy stem is consisted of softw re nd h rdw re, mi s to de -l ing w ith the noise properly. Rese rch on p r m eter-m odeling of the intellectu l system is done. It presen ts m the- m tic l model nd design gu id nce both techn ic lly nd econom ic lly. The p per lso gives the test setup nd n ex- m ple. The expermi ent l resu lts show th t this intellectu l system is efficient in solving electrom gnetic noise on the power line. K ey words: electrom gnetic interference ( EM I), noise di gnosis, noise suppression, p r m eter-modeling 0 引言 , , ( EM I) . , . , EM I , EM I . 1 传导性电磁干扰噪声智能处理 ( LISN ), [ 1] ( CM ) ( DM ) , : 2006-04-18. : ( 2004036147)([ 2004] 300) ([ 2005] 43) . : ( 1981-) , , , . E-m il: gr cy 0127@ 126. com - : ( 1966-) , , , . E-m il: zh oy ng2@ njnu. edu. cn 11 () 6 4( 2006) , LISN .


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