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(二)通则的适用范围 1.当事人明示选择适用 2.当事人约定合同由法律的一般原则、商事规则或类似的法律管辖 3.无法确定合同所适用的法律对某一问题的相关规则的规定 4.解释和补充现有国际法律文件 5.作为国内和国际立法的范本 (三)通则的内容和结构 第二章 合同法 第一节 概述 一、合同的定义和特征 (一)中国 (二)大陆法 (三)英美法 二、合同法与各国编制体系 三、《合同通则》 (一)国际商事合同的界定 1.国际 2.商事 (四)总则 1.基本原则 (1)缔约自由原则 (2)合同必须信守原则 (3)诚实信用和公平交易原则 (4)强制性规则优先原则 第二节 合同的成立 一、西方国家合同有效成立的要件 (一)合意(agreement) (二)缔约能力 1.自然人的缔约能力 2.法人的缔约能力 (三)对价与约因 1.英美法的对价原则 (1)概念 · Louisa W. Hamer v. Franklin Sidway S. agreed with W., his nephew, plaintiffs assignor, that if he would refrain from drinking liquor, using tobacco, swearing and playing cards or billiards for money until he should become twenty-one years of age he would pay him $ 5,000. W. performed his part of the agreement; he became of age in 1875. Soon thereafter he wrote to S. advising him of such performance, stating that the sum specified was due him, and asking payment. S. replied admitting the agreement and the performance and stating that he had the money in bank, set apart, which he proposed to hold for W. until the latter was capable of taking care of it. It was thereupon agreed between the parties that the money should remain in the hands of S. on interest. It is not essential in order to make out a good consideration for a promise to show that the promisor was benefited or the promisee injured; a waiver on the part of the latter of a legal right is sufficient. (2)有效的对价必须具备的条件: A.对价必须是合法的. B.对价必须是待履行的对价( executory consideration)或已履行的对价(executed consideration). ·待履行的对价:双方当事人允诺在将来履行的对价 promise—(counter)promise ·已履行的对价(executed consideration) promise—act or forbearance. 允诺在前, 行动在后 ·过去的对价(past consideration): 发生在允诺作出之前的对价. 行动在前, 允诺在后 C. Consideration must be sufficient but


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