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摘 要 上世纪八十年代中期,以国有企业为主导的中国本土日化行业经历了一次繁荣期。而随着中国加入WTO,竞争日益激烈。日化市场是中国最早开放的市场,因而也是竞争最为激烈的市场。特别是近十年来,随着联合利华、宝洁、汉高等跨国巨头进入并垄断中国高端市场,日化行业格局几乎被全面改写。然而,一些扛住了外资品牌冲击的本土品牌,。上海家化旗下的时尚中草药个人护理品牌佰草集已成功进入全球高档化妆品零售商丝芙兰的销售网络并在欧洲的近家门店销售 关键词:佰草集;国际化战略;日化企业 Analysis On Strategy of Entering Overseas Market Of Herborist Abstract:The middle period of the last 80s,as following the guide of the national enterprises,the native daily chemical industry has been booming for a period.But as China entering the WTO,the competition has become more intense.As one of the first opening market,the competition of the chemical industry is also intense.Especially the recent 10 years,the situation of the chemical market has been changed completely.Under the great pressure from the large-scaled daily chemical industry of the foreign countries, despite our native chemical industry developed a lot,it also walked with great difficulty. This article take the Herborist’s internationalization strategy for an example, it has talked that under the pressure of the garrison of the overseas investment one after another, cornering the market of China, and the ardent competition of daily chemical enterprises, how the Herborist sets up the potential brand and walks out successfully in the end, and it has a comprehensive research on its internationalization strategy , also on the shortage and the suggestion , on the purpose of promoting the development of our daily chemical enterprises. Keywords:Herborist; Internationalization Strategy; Daily Chemical Enterprises 目 录 1 引言 …………………………………………………………1 1.1 研究目的 …………………………………………………………1 1.2 国内外研究现状 …………………………………………………1 1.3 研究内容与本文结构 ……………………………………………4 1.4 研究思路与研究方法 ……………………………………………4 2 佰草集的国际化发展现状……………………………………6 2.1 佰草集的国际化发展背景……………………………………………6  2.2 佰草集的国际化发展历程…………………………………………6 3 佰草集国际化发展战略研究 ……………………………8 3.1 佰草集国际化发展的战略阶段 ……………………………………8 3.2佰草集国际化发展的主要战略 ……………………………………9 3.3 佰草集国际化发展战略的不足……………………………………13 4 对佰草集进一步提高国际化发展水平的建议 ……………14 4.1 对佰草集自身国际化发展的建议…………………………………14 4.2 政



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