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( ) 20 7 2 7  Chin J Cell Stem Cell (Electronic Edition), Feb 20 7,Vol.7, No.  中华细胞与干细胞杂志 电子版 年 月第 卷第 期 59 · · ·综述· 糖尿病细胞治疗的研究进展 刘英 江霞 β 【摘要】 糖尿病细胞治疗能重建胰岛 细胞功能,为治愈糖尿病提供了可能。胰岛移植是 一种能够稳定控制血糖并且耐受良好的治疗手段,可有效改善血糖代谢及并发症的发生发 展,提高生活质量,但稀缺的胰腺供体和长期免疫排斥治疗引发了多能干细胞的相关性研究,目 前已在糖尿病小鼠的基础试验中证实了其具有逆转糖尿病的潜能,然而安全是其致命的弱点。 α β 近些年,针对胰腺祖细胞的体外研究显示通过化学方法可以刺激腺泡或 细胞转化为 细胞新 生并在不需要移植的情况下改善胰腺功能,规避不良反应。所以,糖尿病细胞治疗是潜能与风 险并存的,只有扬长避短,才能为糖尿病治疗提供新的有效的方法。 【关键词】 糖尿病; 胰腺; 移植; 多能干细胞; 细胞转分化 Research progress of diabetes cell therapy Liu Ying, Jiang Xia. Department of Endocrinology, the First Centre Hosipital, Tianjin 300192, China Corresponding author: Jiang Xia, Email:jiangxia9698@126.com Abstract β 【 】 Diabetes cell therapy can restore cell function and provides the possibility to cure diabetes. Islet transplantation can achieve stable blood sugar level and is well tolerated. It also improves blood sugar metabolism, prevent the development of complications, and improve the quality of life. But the scarcity of donor pancreas and the need for long-term immunosuppression make the researchers to seek solution from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs ), which have the potential to reverse diabetes in diabetic mice. However, safety is the Achilles heel of PSCs. In recent years, pancreatic progenitor cells were shown to stimulate acini cells or α cells to differentiate into β cells, which can provide a new effective method for diabetes treatment. Key words 【 】 D


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