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(3)Function of Silicon Valley mechanism 硅谷机制的功能 ? A choice of pricing tech commodities, enables small companies to have the opportunity of turning the technical invention into a worldwide commodity. 技术商品的定价,使小公司也有机会把自己的技术成果转化为全球性商品 。 ?The unique ecological system of Silicon Valley has provided capital for inventors to enlarge production and to develop market. 硅谷其特有的生态系统,为迅速筹集社会资金扩大生产,形成规模,实现技术成果市场化,提供了一种新的机制。 ?Provides foundation for small businesses to grow into top class enterprises and pressures the big business for innovation. 为中小企业迅速成长为世界级大企业创造了条件,同时也对大企业形成了创新的压力。 Famous names such as Intel, HP, Cisco, 3Com, Sun, Netscape have been developed in Silicon Valley. Hi-tech corporations also created 1.6 million jobs in the U.S. 硅谷创造出了全球著名的公司Intel、HP、Cisco、3Com、Sun、Netscape。高科技企业还为美国提供了1600万份工作。 - Britain, France, Germany, Japan and Korea are all making dream to establish their own “Silicon Valley” . Hi-tech industrial parks have been set up in different regions of China. Silicon Valley generates profound demonstration effects around the world. 英国、法国、德国、日本以及韩国都试图建立自己的“硅谷”,中国各地也纷纷建立高新技术园区。硅谷在世界范围产生了巨大的示范效应。 2.Corporate restructuring revitalized old American businesses 公司重构使美国老企业重新焕发活力 Corporate restructuring is a rethinking and readjustment of the over expansion and over diversification of businesses in the 1960s and 1970s. It is a strategic response for the environment changes. 公司重构(Corporate Restructure)是对20世纪六七十年代企业过度膨胀、过度多元化的反思与矫正,是企业面对环境变动作出的战略反应。 A wide corporate restructuring has been a major reason of American corporations’ recapturing the competitive advantage. 广泛的公司重构是美国企业重新获得竞争优势的重要原因之一。 Through restructuring, American corporations revitalized on the contrary, Japanese corporations are experiencing difficulties and serious crisis but still lack of restructuring activities. 美国公司经过了一轮轮持续重构,重新焕发出活力;相比之下,日本传统企业虽危机迭起,但重构乏力。 2.1 Corporate restructuring in U.S. 美国企业的重构 Since 1980s to response the significant ch


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