自己M4P2 Reading and Vocabulary.ppt

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自己M4P2 Reading and Vocabulary

1 give concerts 举行音乐会 give a class 上课 give/ make a speech /talk 演讲 give a party/ball 举行宴会/舞会 2 graduate from 毕业 他去年中学毕业。 He graduated from high school last year. 3 In 1996, I moved to Canada with my husband and I have been living there since then. 1996年,我和丈夫移居加拿大,从那时以来一直定居在那里。 since then =ever since 从那时以来(直到现在)与完成时连用。 我们是一年前认识的,从那时起,他一直教我英语。 We met a year ago. Since then he has taught me English. 4 enough 1) adv.充分地(必须放在形容词和副词之后) 真奇怪,他竟然听不出我的声音。 Strangely enough, he can’t recognize my voice. 我带来的包不够大。 I didn’t bring a big enough bag. 且不说你没完没了地指挥我,做这件事本身就够难为人的。 It’s bad enough doing this without you giving me orders all the time. 7 The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng. true of/for…符合于……,对……适用 在汉语中,读音相同音调不同,意义也不同,音乐也是如此。 In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same is true for music. 对我们班而言,也是如此。 The same is true for our class. come true 成为事实,实现 8 When I am playing a tune, I am singing in my heart. 现在每当我演奏一个曲子时,我就在心中跟着吟唱。 tune 曲子,调子,曲调,旋律,主题 你会唱这个曲子吗? Can you sing this tune? call the tune 发号施令,指令 change one’s tune改变主张、论调、行为 in tune 入调 out of tune 走调 9 be similar to 相似,类似 the same as 同样,相同 双胞胎看上去长得一样。 Twins look the same as each other. 10 be connected to 与……有关 我不相信他与那起谋杀案有关。 I don’t believe he is connected to the murder. 11 They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture, like a dialogue. 它们给整幅作品带来生气,也使观众融入图画,就像与图画进行对话一样。 give life to 给……带来生气 12 It’s the same with classical Chinese music. be the same with ……也是如此 13 Listeners can experience the power and the beauty of the music, like enjoying a beautiful poem or painting. 听众可以自己感受音乐的力量,音乐的美,就像享受一首美妙的诗歌或一幅美丽的图画一样。 experience (可数名词)往事,经历 (不可数名词)经验 lack of experience 缺乏经验 practical experience 实践经验 14 What do you like best about performing live? 面对观众演出时你感到最愉悦的是什么? performing live 现场演出 live adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的,点燃的;adv.实况转播地 live animals 活的动物 a live topic 热门话题 a live performance现场演出 a live televisi


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