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航空乘务英语 客舱会话 课程介绍 本课程介绍了机上最常用的服务用语与对话。通过对本课程的学习,使学员熟悉航空乘务工作 的基本内容,并具有基本的英语沟通能力。本课 程的培训程序是: 主题介绍 (main instruction) 关键词汇 (key words) 运用技巧 (using skill) 分组讨论 (discussion) 运用练习 (practice) Unit One: Boarding --- Main Instruction Unit One: Boarding—Key Words aboard aisle green-colored in the middle of boarding pass row indicate overhead compartment allow go through window seat 在(车)上,在(船)上 通道,过道 绿色的 在……前面 登机牌 排,行 指示,显示 行李架(舱) 允许,承认 通过 靠窗的座位 Unit One: Boarding—Using Skill greeting: The main purpose of greeting is to build up and maintain good relationship. find seat: make sure the seat number---explain ask others for help: must start the conversation politly. sentence pattern: Excuse me, Sir ------- Please ------ Thanks. ------- You’re welcome, Sir. May I ------- Excuse me, Could (would) you please ------ Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Unit One: Boarding---Discussion How would you greet the passengers when they board the plane? A passenger’s seat number is 12A. How can you help him to find his seat? When passengers are boarding, one of them is blocking the way in the cabin. What do you say to him? Will passengers be able to change seats freely duing the flight? Unit One: Boarding—Practice Unit Two: Seating--- Main Instruction Unit Two: Seating--- Key Words together window seat legroom restrict stretch balance 共同,一起 靠窗的座位 放脚空间, 踏脚处 限制 伸展 平衡 Unit Two: Seating--- Using Skill offer help: This is social behavior. Cabin attendants always offer help to their customers if they want to give good service. Those who accept help may feel grateful and express their thanks. sentence pattern: Excuse me, I want to --------. Can you help me to ---?


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