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复旦 全职:赵彦利 兼职:倪艺松、陈玢歆、张莉、陈琳、宛津津、谢迎迎 沪太 全职:杨燕芳、余珍萍 新闸 兼职:刘倩、邱曼、陈青清 番禺 梅陇 全职:文言麟 兼职:严晔骁、尚婷、周雅静、苏施怡 曹杨 全职:沈思赟、孙伟 陆家嘴八佰伴长岛 全职:王奇琳、刘菊、苏舒、邓璐、袁龙吉 兼职:卜晴、孙丽敏、王彤峻、韩嘉莉 同步老师区域分布 同步授课模式 ——教材的辅助各项能力的突破 Section A: vocabulary(重点词汇讲解) key sentences(课文补充讲解) grammar(初中高中语法专题讲解) Exercise: grammar、reading (布置作业、作业讲解) Section B Reading、Listening、Writing (阅读、听力、写作专题讲解) 英语同步课程授课内容 同步教案 课前:问情况、分析弱项、课程计划 课中:词汇语法阅读听力写作 课后:作业、反馈表 * 同步组需要大家配合的事项 * 同步组会做的努力 * 一对一不分科目,小班分两个搭班老师:语法词汇与翻译写作、阅读完形和听力语音 * * * write the answer on a sheet of paper 1、aging - Divisions are sometimes made between the young old (65–74), the middle old (75–84) and the oldest old (85+). 2.生育率低、人口结构老化、社保制度滞后已成未来发展的重大隐患。 产生老龄化的原因只有二个:寿命延长和少生孩子。 延迟退休和加强养老服务\允许多生、奖励多生、补助多生 3、The elderly mans face was marked with blemishes and age spots. The elderly womans face was etched with wrinkles. The old ladys silver grey hair was tied neatly into a bun. The elderly man gave a toothless smile. 4、I wonder how many young people live with their grandparents? Do they often talk with them? I suppose many of them rarely talk with them. It is true that even if elderly and young people dont live together, some of them often talk with each other, and have a good relationship. However, we cant ignore the situation that the families who live apart from elderly people are increasing. This causes a lack of communication between old people and young people. Communication is the means to know and understand other people. A lack of communication causes misunderstandings between us and the destruction of our good relationships. As for the elderly people, they dont make an effort to blend in with young culture, and they try to force their view of life and knowledge on young people. therefore, young people regard them as obstinate, and think that our young culture is the best. But there are a lot of things to learn from each other. However, at present, we dont have many opportunities to do that. As a result, both


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