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贸易英语 Personal Information Name: Zhaofei Job Title: lecturer English Level: Tem-8 Education: Bachelors degree: 1997-2001,English for foreign trade, School of Foreign Studies, Shandong University of Finance and Economics. Master’s degree: 2001-2004,TV news, School of Television and Journalism, Communication university of China. Doctor’s degree: 2008-2011,Culture industry management, School of History and Culture, Shandong university. Working Experience: 2005-2007,journalist and market manager , CCTV6. 讲授课程:《旅游英语》、《贸易英语》、《传媒英语》、《传媒经济学》、《电视新闻采访》等。 主持和参与课题情况:主持2012国家社科项目一项,主持2011山东省社科规划项目一项,主持2012济南大学博士科研启动项目一项,主持中国传媒大学学生科研项目一项(已完成),参与山东省软科学项目一项,参与济南大学教研项目一项。 发表论文情况:在《山东社会科学》、《现代试听》等学术刊物上发表《关于加快发展山东物联网产业的思考》、《大众传媒对方言传播的认识误区》等学术文章6篇。 其他:担任学院科研秘书、班主任、毕业论文指导教师等 Tel:Email: shc_zhaof@ 成绩构成:平时成绩(出勤+课堂表现+作业情况)30%,考试(闭卷)成绩70%。 1班和2班各委派一名课代表,为老师和同学们服务,期末适当给予加分。 每位同学需要找一位固定的partner,进行口语练习。 第二单元 票务订购 This is what you say 妙言锦句 Is it possible to change my booking to the day after tomorrow?能不能将我的订票改到后天? Do you have a seat available on the same flight the day after tomorrow?后天同次航班有座吗? What about the time of departure?起飞时间有没有什么变化? Does that mean it will arrive three hours later?那是不是说它会延迟3小时抵达?. And when do you plan to travel?您计划什么时候开始您的旅行? Do you have any flights in the morning?您那有上午的航班吗? Will that be first class or economy class?您愿意要一等舱还是经济舱? Just myself. And I’d like economy class.就我自己一个人,我想要经济舱。 I’d like a one-way ticket to New York, please.我想买一张到纽约的单程票。 At what time does the train reach its destination?这趟车什么时候到达目的地? How long does it take to go to Denver?到丹佛要多长时间? Does this train have sleeping cars?这趟火车有卧铺车厢吗? Sample Dialogue 1 A: Pan-American. B: Hello, I’d like to reconfirm my flight. A: May I have your flight number, please? B: Yes. It’s number 109 leaving London at 9:00 in the morning on April 6th. A: Oh, yes. That is our regular flight to Prague. What’s your name, please? B: My name is Myron Lee. A: Yes, here we are. You are flying


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