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智能垃圾桶系统的设计 摘 要 本篇文章针对目前我国国内目前垃圾箱发展缺陷设计了一种智能垃圾箱,这种垃圾箱的控制系统是基于STC89C52RC的。这种以单片机、RPR220光电传感器和超声波传感器为核心控制系统主要是由电机驱动模块、语音报警模块、光电感应模块、超声波测距电路等功能模块组成,并且该系统通过传感器来采集相关的距离信息后再由A/D转换让单片机发出指令,垃圾箱会在设定人与垃圾箱的距离,倘若超声波传感器检测到实际距离小于设定距离时自动翻盖。并且该控制系统会在RPR220光电检测到垃圾箱已满的情形下进行语音提示。通过理论与实践的结合,可知,本垃圾箱控制系统具有成本低、结构简单、智能化、操作简洁、性能稳定等优点,一定程度上弥补了我国智能垃圾箱系统的缺陷,对进一步隔开人与垃圾并防止细菌感染人类问题提供了一个可行性途径。 关键词:单片机,超声波传感器,RPR220光电传感器,垃圾箱 A Project of Intelligent Bin System ABSTRACT This article in view of the present defects at present designs a kind of intelligent bin based on STC89C52RC.The system is with the single chip processor,RPR220 photoelectric sensor and ultrasonic sensors as the core control system. It consists of power circuit, sensor circuit, clock circuit and voice alarm module, etc. Using the sensor to collect distance information, then the information is controlled by A/D conversion to issue commands., causes the SCM issues an instruction. If the ultrasonic sensor to detect the actual distance is less than the setting distance, dustbin lid would open automatically.The system would issue a voice message if RPR220 photoelectric detects that dustbin is chock-full. Through the combination of theory and practice,we know that this system has advantages of low cost, simple structure ,intelligent, simple operation and stable performance. In a way, it makes up defects of the intelligent bin control system in China. It is a feasible method to completely isolate people and rubbish, and prevent people from infecting with the bacteria on garbage. KEY WORDS: single chip microcomputer, Ultrasonic sensors, RPR220 photoelectric sensors, dustbin 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1. 绪 论 1 1.1选题的意义 1 1.2 研究现状及发展趋势 1 1.2.1研究现状 1 1.2.2发展趋势 3 1.3课题研究的目标及内容 3 1.3.1 研究目标 3 1.3.2 研究内容 4 1.4 本章小结 4 2. 系统硬件电路 5 2.1系统总体框架 5 2.2单片机最小系统 5 2.2.1 STC89C52RC单片机简介 5 2.2.2 复位电路 7 2.2.3 晶振电路 8 2.3 光电感应模块 8 2.4 电机驱动模块 9 2.5 超声波测距模块 11 2.6 语音模块 11 2.7 电源模块 12 2.8 本章小结 12 3. 系统软件设计 14 3.1 系统程序总体流程图 14 3.2 超声波测距模块的程序设计 15 3.3 控制电机正反转的程序设计


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