35KV小型化变电所一次 二次系统设计 1.doc

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35KV小型化变电所一次 二次系统设计 1

35kV小型化变电所一次、二次系统设计 PAGE PAGE I 摘 要 针对电网改造中对35kV小型化变电所从电气主接线、设备选择、电气平面布置、继电保护和二次回路设计特点以及建设周期、投资方面作了对比分析,提出了全户外布置的小型化变电所是目前当前变电所设计及建设的推荐方案。因此必须坚持:设备先进免维护,接线简单环节少;经济实用建设快;它不是粗糙设备的简单组合,而是新技术、新设备、新材料的科学运用,在一定意义上讲,代表一种现代化的水平。 本次设计的主要内容是进行35kV变电所一次部分总体设计,它可以满足城镇工农业生产和生活所需要的电力负荷,增加供电量,改善电压质量,促进城镇工农业经济增长和提高人民的生活质量。同时,使农村电网向“短半径、密布点小容量”的方向发展,符合黑龙江省农村电网改造的基本要求。这次毕业设计涉及了电力系统、发电厂、继电保护、架空线路、二次接线等各科知识,通过这次毕业设计使我对大学所学的知识得以巩固,综合运用知识的能力也有了一定的提高,尤其对专业知识有了进一步的深化了解。通过对各门知识的学习和对各种资料的查询,使自己对各种新型电气设备,变电所的发展趋势也有了一定的了解。 关键词: 35kV 小型化 变电所 电气设备 ABSTRACT Aim at the agriculture net reformation in is small scaled to turn the village to change the electricity to the 35 kVs connect the line, equipments choice, the electricity flat surface to arrange from the electricity lord, protect after the electricity and two times back track design characteristics and constuct the period, invest the aspect made the contrast analysis, put forward the village whole open air to arrange small scaled to turn to change electricity is a village to change currently the recommendation project that electricity design and construction.Therefore must insist:The forerunner of the equipments does not need the maintenance, connecting the simple link of line little;The economic practical construction is quick;It is not the simple combination of the rough equipments, but science usage of new technique, new equipments, new material, at certain meaning up speak, represent a kind of level for modernize. A main contents for design is to carry on the 35 kVs to change the electricity once part of total design, it can satisfy the town work agriculture production and living the electric power need burden, increment power supply quantity, improvement the electric voltage quantity, promote the town work agriculture economy growth and raise people of living quantity.At the same time, make the village charged barbed wire net to the direction development of short radius, spread densely to order the small capacity, meet basic requ


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