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Corporate hospitality商务款待 Corporate Hospitality Benefits Create?business??opportunities? Cement?business?relationships. Inspire?Loyalty Gain?a?Competitive? advantage? Steps and tips Business Meal Great applicability Face-to-face Purposeful Visit sports Sports fans A round of golf Visit a horse racing/ basketball / football game Cheerful atmosphere Tourism hospitality Foreign clients A sightseeing tour of the city Time-wasting Concert/theatre Very entertaining Hard to find opportunity to talk about business. Business Dining Etiquette Can Help You Make An Impression To Create More Opportunities . Business Dining Etiquette ? Business Lunch ? Interview Etiquette at the Table ? Corporate Events ? Business Entertaining at Home Business Lunch ? Dining Etiquette Fundamentals ?The impression you make at a business lunch starts before you arrive at the restaurant. ?It is important to properly plan the business lunch. ?The very first things you do are critical to the success of the rest of the meal. Business Lunch ? Planning the Business Lunch ? Arriving ? Talking Business at the Dinner Table ? Business Toasts Planning the Business Lunch ? Invite well in advance. ? Choose a restaurant you know. ? Local custom will generally dictate the time of the lunch. ? Make it clear that you are the host. Business Lunch - Arriving ? Dont be late. ? Dress appropriately. Talking Business at the Dinner Table ? Generally, the host initiates the business discussion. ? Often discussed toward the end of the meal or over coffee. ? Dont wait too long. Business Toasts :Toasting Etiquette ? The host toasts first. ? At formal occasions, the toaster stands; the person being toasted remains seated. ? The guests respond by taking a sip of their drinks - but never emptying the glass. * Steps and tips Ways of Corporate Hospitality Business Dining Etiquette Benefits Know your Clients Make a plan Set clear objectives Figure out the timing
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