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南京信息工程大学成人教育学院雷电防护与技术专业, 南京 210044
关键词:气象台站;业务系统 ;防雷设计
[1]、国家技术监督局,建设部.GB50057-2000 建筑物防雷设计规范[S].北京:中国计划出版社,2006:1-3.
[2]、建设部,国家质量监督检验检疫总局.GB50343-2004 建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2005:15-18.
[6]、日本建筑部会雷电防护技术委员会编制.1992。建筑物等的避雷设备(JISA4201-1992)The Lightning Protection Design of Surface Observation System in Meteorological Station
Yu Zhiming
?Adult Education College of Nanjing Information Engineering University, Lightning Protection and Technical, Nanjing 210044
Abstract: In recent years, almost all the meteorological stations have built up automatic weather stations. This makes the transmission of data through network come true. The advanced equipment such as computers which have less capacity to withstand over-voltage is easy to suffer from the hazard of the lightning. According to the relevant national lightning protection technical specifications, this article introduces the basic meteorological station’s field, the equipment design of the office building connecting to the ground and the method of bonding both of them; The protective measures to the meteorological fields and the office buildings about the lightning; The comprehensive lightning protection system about power supply system and the information system. Seeking access to decreasing the rate of the meteorological station being struck by lightning through the comprehensive technology such as the adoption of flash, streaming and other potential connections, common grounding system, shielding, electrical surge protection, rational layout the lines, being isolating and so on. These will ensure th