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在画柱状图时,利用不同的颜色区分在实际打印时经常区分不出。 为了能够更清楚第表示最终结果,可采用在柱状图中打阴影的方式来表示。 然而,Matalab本身没有提供实现这种功能的函数库。 下面两个函数: % Apply Brandons function applyhatch_pluscolor % Apply Brians function applyhatch_plusC(fH, \-x., rkbk); 实现了上述功能。 这两个函数中都调用了函数makehatch_plus 源码如下(都已经调试通过,可方便使用)。 fH = gcf; colormap(jet(4)); h = bar(rand(3, 4)); legend(Apple, Orange, Banana, Melon, Location, EastOutside); % Apply Brandons function tH = title(Brandons applyhatch); applyhatch_pluscolor(fH, \-x., 0, [1 0 1 0], jet(4)); % Apply Brians function set(tH, String, Brians applyhatch); applyhatch_plusC(fH, \-x., rkbk); set(tH, String, Original); 代码源自: /matlabcentral/fileexchange/24021-hatch-fill-patterns-plus-color-invert/content/applyhatch_pluscolor.m function [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(h,patterns,CvBW,Hinvert,colorlist, ... dpi,hatchsc,lw) %APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR Apply hatched patterns to a figure in BW or Color % APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS) creates a new figure from the figure H by % replacing distinct colors in H with the black and white % patterns in PATTERNS. The format for PATTERNS can be % a string of the characters: % /, \, |, -, +, x, ., c, w, k % (see makehatch_plus.m for more details) or % a cell array of matrices of zeros (white) and ones (black) % % In addition, H can alternatively be a uint8 NxMx3 matrix of the type % produced by imread. In this case, colors in this image will be % replaced with patterns as if it was a figure. A final figure window % will be generated that displays the result. The DPI argument % discussed below will be ignored if H is an image matrix. % % APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS,CVBW) binary value for choice of Color or Black % and White plots. If color is chosen the color will match that of the % current fill. 1 - Color, anything else - BW % % APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS,CVBW,HINVERT) binary value to invert the hatch. % i.e., if it is black lines with a white background, t


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