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第二讲 《食人惨案》 不得不那样做 是吗\You have to do what you have to do? 差不多吧 不得已而为之\You got to do what you got to do pretty much. 如果你已经19天没有进食\If youve been going 19 days without any food you know 那么总得有人要作出牺牲\someone just has to take the sacrifice. 有了他的牺牲 其他人才能活下来\Someone has to make the sacrifice and people can survive. 很好 你叫什么名字\Alright thats good. Whats your name? -马库斯 -你有什么话要对马库斯说吗\- Marcus. - Marcus what do you say to Marcus? 上一次 我们以几个故事开头\Last time we started out last time with some stories 几个在道德上两难的例子\with some moral dilemmas 有电车事故的例子\about trolley cars 也有器官移植医生\and about doctors and healthy patients 手握健康病人生杀大权的例子\vulnerable to being victims of organ transplantation. 在讨论中我们注意到两点\We noticed two things about the arguments we had 一点与我们的讨论方式有关\one had to do with the way we were arguing. 我们首先在特定情况下作出判断\We began with our judgments in particular cases. 然后试图阐明作出这些判断的\We tried to articulate the reasons or the principles 理由或原则\lying behind our judgments. 当我们面临新的情况时\And then confronted with a new case 我们重新检验这些原则\we found ourselves reexamining those principles 根据新的情况修正这些理由或原则\revising each in the light of the other. 然后我们发现\And we noticed the built in pressure 要在特定案例之下 自圆其说我们的判断\to try to bring into alignment our judgments about particular cases 校正我们一再确认的原则 难度越来越大\and the principles we would endorse on reflection. 我们也注意到了这些争论的本质\We also noticed something about the substance of the arguments 已经初见端倪\that emerged from the discussion. 我们发现有时 我们倾向于\We noticed that sometimes we were tempted to 依据行为所产生的后果\locate the morality of an act in the consequences in the results 以及对外界的影响 判断其是否道德\in the state of the world that it brought about. 我们称之为后果主义道德推理\And we called this consequentiality moral reasoning. 同时注意到 在某些情况下\But we also noticed in some cases 不仅行为的后果会使我们动摇\we werent swayed only by the result. 有时 我们中许多人认为行为的后果固然重要\Sometimes many of us felt that not just consequences 但行为的道德本质或是特性 也同样重要\but also the intrinsic quality or character of the act matters morally. 有些人认为\Some people ar


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