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皮带运输机设计 摘要 本文对带式传输机的各个部件的设计进行了探讨,在传递物质的方法,采用皮带运输带起着非常重要的作用 Belt Conveyor Driving System Abstract A short review for the design of each part for belt conveyor , Among the methods of material conveying employed, belt conveyors play a very important part in the reliable carrying of material over long distances at competitive cost. Conveyor systems have become larger and more complex and drive systems have also been going through a process of evolution and will continue to do so. Nowadays,bigger belts require more power and have brought the need for larger individual drives as well as multiple drives.The ability to control drive acceleration torque is critical to belt conveyors’ performance. An efficient drive system should be able to provide smooth,soft starts while maintaining belt tensions within the specified safe limits. For load sharing on multiple drives.torque and speed control are also important considerations in the drive system’s design. Due to the advances in conveyor drive control technology,at present many more reliable.Cost-effective and performance-driven conveyor drive systems covering a wide range of power are available for customers choice . Key wordselt Conveyor Driving System 目 录 引言 5 第一章 带式输送机概述 6 1.1带式输送机的应用 6 1.2带式输送机的分类 6 1.3 各种带式输送机的特点 6 1.4 带式输送机的发展状况 7 第二章 总体方案设计 8 2.1布置方式 8 2.2带式输送机的工作原理 9 2.3传动原理 10 2.4 传动方案和总体设计 12 第三章 主要技术参数的设计计算 13 3.1 设计的原始数据 13 3.2槽角的选取 14 3.3胶带运行阻力的计算 15 3.4输送带上各点张力的计算 19 3.5 输送带的强度验算 22 第四章 驱动装置的选用与设计 27 4.1电机的选用 27 4.2 减速器的选型与设计 27 4.3 联轴器的计算与选型 31 4.4驱动滚筒的设计 33 第五章 托辊的设计 38 5.1 托辊的作用与类型 38 5.2托辊间距 40 5.3 托辊的选型 41 第六章 制 动 装 置 41 6.1 制动装置的作用 41 6.2 制动装置的种类 41 6.3 制动装置的选型 43 第七章 改 向 装 置 44 7.1凸弧段曲率半径R的计算 44 7.2改向滚筒的选用 44 第八章 其他部件的选用 44 8.1 拉紧装置 46 8.2机架与中间架 50 8.3 卸料装置 51 8.4 清 扫 装 置 52 8.5 头部漏斗 54 8.6 电气及安全保护装置 54 第九章 安装运转与维护 54 9.1安装要求 54 9.2调整 55 9.3运转与维护 55 结论 56 致谢 57 参考文献 58 附录 59 如需要完整文档及cad图等其他文件,请加球球:一九八五六三九七五五 引 言 带式输送机是用连续的无端输送带输送货物的机械,俗称皮带机。输送带根据摩擦传动原理而运动,既是承载货物的构件,又是传递牵引力的构件,其特


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