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医学生人文关怀能力问卷的编制及其应用* 申正付1,杨秀木2,韩布新3,马语莲1,马小芹2(233030安徽 蚌埠,蚌埠医学院:思政部1,护理学系2;100101北京,中国科学院心理研究所健康与遗传心理学研究室caring capacity for medical students Shen Zhenfu1,Yang Xiumu2,Han Buxin3,Ma Yulian1,Ma Xiaoqin2(Bengbu Medical college,Ideological and Political Department1,Department of nursing science2,Bengbu,233030;Institute of Psychology,CAS,Health and genetic Psychology Laboratory3,Beijing,100101,China) [Abstract] Objective:The purpose of present study was to develop a valid and reliable self-rated instrument to measure the human caring capacity for medical undergraduates,and meanwhile to explore the characteristics of medical undergraduates’ human caring capacity . Method:The initial items were generated from an open questionnaire survey, and then item analyses and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to develop the scale. Two weeks after the first testing session, 236 students were re -tested. Results: The final Scale of human caring capacity for nursing undergraduates included 42 items. The scale included altruism, patience,honesty,trust,humility,hope and courage. The Cronbach’s α coefficient of the total scale was 0.899, the test-retest coefficients of the total scale was 0.851, and the split-half reliability was 0.843. Furthermore, the result of using the scale in nursing undergraduates showed that,compared with girls, the score of courage for boys was higher ;the boy was lower in the score of altruism, patience,honesty,trust,humility and hope. Conclusion: The human caring capacity for medical undergraduates scale has a high reliability and a good validity and can be used in researches of the human caring capacity of medical undergraduates. [Key words] Human caring capacity;ollege student;Scale安徽省教育厅人文社会科学研究重点项目(2012A078; [通信作者]申正付, 医学是一门与人密切相关的学科。随着生物-心理-社会医学模式的诞生,在进行医疗护理工作时要向患者提供人性化的照顾和关怀。全球最低医学标准明确指出,人文关怀能力是医学生必备的核心能力之一。一位普通美国医生特鲁多的墓志铭有时能治愈,常常是帮助,总是去安慰。))P=0.000,表明该问卷非常适合进行因子分析。使用正交旋转,根据研究理论构想,参考碎石图和特征根


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