Marriage across nations跨国婚姻ppt.ppt

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Marriage across nations跨国婚姻ppt

Marriage across nations one kind of mixed marriage What is mixed marriage? The term mixed marriage originated in Roman Catholicism([k?θ?lisiz?m]罗马天主教), where it refers to a marriage between a Catholic(天主教) and a non —Catholic(非天主教), It may refer to: Interracial[,int?rei?i?l] marriage (异族通婚) Interreligious marriage, also called interfaith marriage (异宗教通婚) Marital[m?rit?l] conversion — religious conversion based on marriage. (改变信仰的婚姻) Transnational marriage (跨国婚姻) Miscegenation ([,misid?inei??n]种族通婚) Therefore marriage across nations is the joint name of Transnational marriage and Miscegenation The public opinion Problems of marriage across nations ★resistance(阻力) from family.It is one kind of the most important problems for this marriage.Family members may feel as though the person isn‘t embracing his culture or religion. They may not understand the other person’s culture. Some family members may disown([dis?un]脱离关系) the person altogether. Fathers have commonly disowned their daughters for marrying outside their race or religion. ★resistance from Friends.Friends may have the same issues as family members, and may react by ending the friendship or degrading(贬低) their friend or her new spouse(配偶). ★ resistance from Society.Society may be cruel(残酷的) to the couple. Mean, ignorant([‘iɡn?r?nt]无知的) comments, dirty looks(轻蔑的脸色), discrimination([dis,krimi’nei??n]歧视) and sometimes physical assaults([?‘s?:lt]攻击) may be perpetrated([’p?:pitreit]施恶 )by strangers who do not understand or approve of marriages across nations. What is the advantage of marriage across nations it can promote the harmonious(和谐的) relationship between two different races or religions, weaken and reduce the possibility of the conflict. it will improve human races gene(基因), I believe mixed marriage can make races stronger, more beautiful and more smart generation by generation. What is the disadvantage of marriage across nations Marital Struggles .that`s one of the most importa


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