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学 士 学 位 论 文 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 院系(部所): 专 业: 完成日期: 学 士 学 位 论 文 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 院系(部所): 专 业: 完成日期: 摘要3G网络高速数据传输技术出现与成熟,手机已经由传统的通讯终端发展成为更加人性化智能终端设备,人们对手机快速高效获取信息的期望也越来越高。RSS(简易信息聚合,也叫聚合内容)技术的不断成熟促进了手机RSS新闻阅读器的出现。RSS阅读器为用户提供了强大的信息聚合功能,大大提高了用户和互联网数据之间的交互,可以使用户更方便的定向浏览自己感兴趣的信息,屏蔽自己不敢兴趣的网络信息,给用户带来更好的上网体验。 RSS阅读器的设计采用软件工程的开发思路,运用J2ME技术,综合利用Eclipse开发工具和Android SDK工具包加以实现。软件实现了新闻频道的添加和删除、新闻阅读,新闻更新,新闻收藏和删除等功能。手机用户可以通过本软件更加快速而准确筛选自己所需信息。系统采用了UML建模思想,利用Rational Rose工具进行建模。软件业务模型利用业务流程图描述;功能模型利用用况图描述;数据模型利用CDM图和PDM图进行描述。 RSS阅读器界面友好美观,操作方便论文中详细介绍了RSS分析、设计。【】RSSAndorid SDK;UML Abstract In todays era of rapid development of science and technology, the information network is changed from the traditional Internet to Internet transition.With the development of science and technology, People are more eager to search their needed information whenever and wherever is possible. The users way to obtain information also has been changed from the traditional newspaper, TV, PC, to a more portable mobile terminal of mobile phone. Along with the network and 3G network’s high speed data transmission technology been matured. Mobile phone has changed from the traditional communication terminal development to a more humane intelligent terminal equipment, The mobile phone’s function of fast and efficient information getting is also more and more high expectations. RSS (RSS, also known as Really Simple Syndication) technology unceasingly mature promotings the RSS news reader’s appearence. RSS reader provides users with powerful information aggregation function,Greatly improve the interaction between users and Internet data. Helps user oriented browse the interesting information they want.,Shielding the information they were not interested in from network. Gives users a better online experience. RSS reader using software engineering ideas for development, basis of J2ME, Using Eclipse


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