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中文摘要 本文在分析了目前国内外的主要除雪方法的基础上,提出一种适合中国国情的小型机械旋转式清雪车的设计方案,并对其进行了理论分析和实用结构设计分析,同时用Solid Edge软件绘制了三维实体造型效果图和二维工程图,为国内生产该种清雪车提供了完整技术资料。 本文首先对道路上的压实积雪的物理机械性能进行分析研究,并查阅参考了目前的国内外有关该设备的大量资料,在已有成果的基础上,进行设计计算和机构创新,这些资料为本文设计计算提供了重要的理论依据。在分析大型旋转式除雪机结构和设计理论的基础上,针对国内单位清雪分块承担的特点,本文对小型螺旋旋转式清雪车进行了深入分析,并进行了完善,设计了此种清雪设备。 通过对已有小型清雪设备的分析研究,表明现有设备能实现基本的集雪、运雪和抛雪功能。但尚存在操作不方便,清雪效率不高等缺点。根据已有的理论研究基础,针对目前已有机械的不足,本文设计了带有抛雪叶轮、加有内置蜗杆传动和螺旋状集雪搅龙装置的清雪车,确定了其主要参数,传动方案和结构形式。设计时充分考虑了各种因素,对其中的关键部件—抛雪轮进行了有限元分析,并应用人机工程学原理,可对扶手高度进行调节,使操作更加舒适方便。提出了一整套实用结构,使得该机型大小适中,操作方便,外表美观。 本文在设计和绘图中,采用先进的工程软件Solid Edge进行三维实体造型设计、二维工程图的绘制和有限元分析,为国内生产该种清雪车提供了一整套技术资料。 关键词: 小型清雪车 三维造型及工程图 有限元分析 人机工程 ABSTRACT After analyzing the various means of snow-clearings in the world at present, the project of a sort of mini snow-blower fit for China is put forward in this paper. Based on the theory study and applied structural design, the three-dimensional solid model and planar drawing have be completed with Solid Edge engineering software, which can offer an entire technical data and engineering drawings for producing factory. This paper first analyse the physical and mechanical properties of snow compaction on the road, then access to a lot of information about this equipment at home and abroad. Design calculations and institutional innovation is based on the result which has been researched. All this information has provided an important theoretical basis for the design calculations and institutional innovate in this paper. On the basis of analysis structure and design theory of the large rotary Snowremoveing machine, arm to the characteristic of snowremoveing in the national company, Mini Snow-blower is deeply reseached and consummated in this paper. Mini Snow-blower is designed. Overpass the research and analysis of mini Snow-blower nowadays,we realize that the equipment nowadays can carry out the functions of collecting,carrying and throwing snow.But there are some disadvantages,for e example, the manipulation is discommodiousne


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