第三章 新柏拉图主义和中世纪文论的神学趋向.pptVIP

第三章 新柏拉图主义和中世纪文论的神学趋向.ppt

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第三章 新柏拉图主义和中世纪文论的神学趋向

What is your impression of the picture? What kind of impression can you get from this picture? Can you draw any contrastive features of the two pictures? Physically, mentally, cultural background, etc.? Pondering questions What do you know about medieval age? Have you ever been to a Christian church? If you have, what is your impression? Appreciate the following pictures, and then present your feelings about them. 哥特式教堂 整个建筑物用细长的柱子和拱券支撑起来,显示出一种上升、高耸和缥缈的艺术效果。 教堂内部,高大的柱子间是镶满彩色玻璃的大窗,辉煌而神秘,人置身其中有一种恍恍惚惚的感觉:“五颜六色的窗户把血滴和浓汁似的红红绿绿的光线投到我们身上;我们身边呜呜地唱着丧歌;我们脚下满是墓碑和尸骸;精神沿着高耸笔立的巨柱凌空而起,痛苦地和肉身分裂,肉身则像一袭空乏的长袍扑落地上。”(海涅. 论浪漫派 )由此使人在幽暗人生和皓皓天国的强烈对比中痛悔自身之罪孽,期盼、体验灵魂向彼岸世界的飞升。 既是中世纪最辉煌的建筑、文化成就,也是最能表现中世纪精神的物事 the medieval age A period of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The period followed the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, and preceded the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period in a three-period division of history: Classic, Medieval, and Modern. The term Middle Ages first appears in Latin in the 15th century and reflects the view that this period was a deviation from the path of classical learning, a path supposedly reconnected by Renaissance scholarship. The medieval period is frequently caricatured as supposedly a time of ignorance and superstition which placed the word of religious authorities over personal experience and rational activity. The ideas and institutions of western civilization derive largely from the turbulent events of the Early Middle Ages and the rebirth of culture in the later years. The importance of the Middle Ages has been increasingly recognized as scholarship based on newly published source material, archaeological findings, and studies of demographics and migration patterns presents more accurate and detailed analyses of events and trends. 中世纪黑暗时代 一个被历史学家普遍接受的说法是,“中世纪黑暗时代”这个词,是由14世纪意大利文艺复兴人文主义学者彼特拉克所发明的。他周游欧洲重新发掘和出版经典的拉丁和希腊著作,志在重新恢复罗马古典的拉丁语言、艺术和文化,通过古典文化、文学和艺术来看待历史,认为自公元401年罗马沦陷以来到14世纪这900年古典文化上发展的停滞时期是不值得研究的,是文化的“


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