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双学位毕业论文 二〇一五年12月 摘 要 进入二十一世纪以来,随着经济全球化的进一步推进,市场竞争环境变得越来越激烈,在这种情况下,人力资源对企业更重要,而薪酬管理是人力资源管理的重要内容本文以为例,分析了当前电力企业薪酬管理面临的问题Abstract Form the 21th centery, with the global economic having a further step, market competition environment have became more and more fiercely. In this situation, human resources have became more important for company, but, the salary management is the important component in the human resources management. The salary management have played essential role in absorbing, using, retaining and excavating the abilitiy of person. The electric power industry is the momentous estate of the people’s livehood, with the planned economy is changing into the market economy, the electric industry current?salary system have exposed more and more problems. So to solve the problem?of salary management in electric power?enterprises become more and more important?and urgent. For example , company A have analysised electric industry which have faced the salaty management problems. The first chapter state the related theoretical basis of salary management, includ equity theory,?incentive theory and some pioneering?achievements. The second chapter analysis salary management of the company A and it’s problems. The third chapter optimization design the salary system of the company A. Keyword: salary management, salary system, electric power industry. 目 录 引 言 1 第一章 薪酬管理相关部分理论基础 2 1.1薪酬理论概述 2 1.1.1公平理论 2 1.1.2激励理论 2 1.2现代薪酬管理的发展趋势 4 1.2.1个性化薪酬 4 1.2.2宽带薪酬 4 1.3薪酬体系设计的基本原则 4 1.3.1公平原则 4 1.3.2竞争原则 5 1.3.3激励原则 5 1.3.4经济原则 5 第二章 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬管理现状及问题分析 6 2.1 电厂背景介绍 6 2.1.1电厂背景 6 2.1.2电厂生产技术部门人力资源现状 7 2.2 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬管理体系现状 7 2.3 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门现行薪酬管理存在的问题及分析 8 2.3.1 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬满意度调查 8 2.3.2调查结果的统计与分析 8 2.3.3 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门在薪酬管理方面存在的问题 11 第三章 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬管理优化研究 13 3.1霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬优化研究的指导思想 13 3.1.1调整薪酬结构,明确岗位价值 13 3.1.2建立以能力为导向、能力与工龄并重的薪酬制度 13 3.1.3完善绩效考核制度 14 3.1.4建立合理的薪酬文化 14 3.2 霍林郭勒电厂生产技术部门薪酬优化研究内容 14 3.2.1岗位工资 14 3.2.2绩效奖金 15 3.2.3辅助薪金 16 引 言 薪酬是企业员工最敏感的题,企业


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