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Paragraph 2 glee: feeling of great delight which makes one want to laugh, caused by something good experienced by oneself, or something bad that happens to somebody else 欣喜;幸灾乐祸 legacy: money or property left to somebody in a will; tradition heritage: (dated or formal) property that has been or may be inherited by an heir 遗产;继承物 freakish: unusual or abnormal; strange 不寻常的;不正常的;反常的; 奇怪的;奇异的 freak: person considered abnormal because of his behavior, appearance, ideas, etc. 不正常的人 mundane: ordinary and typically unexciting 平凡的;平淡的 Paragraph 3 bison /‵baisn/: American buffalo; European wild ox 北美野牛; 欧洲野牛 speculate on: guess 思考;思索;推断;推测 E.g.: We can only speculate on whether there will be enough oil for the world’s needs by the end of this century. due: something that rightfully belongs to soE.g.: The artist has finally been accorded something of his due. 那位艺术家最终得到了应得的荣誉。 ask no more than one’s due 别提非分的要求 frivolity: the condition of being frivolous (not serious; silly;); 轻薄,轻浮;轻浮的举动;无聊事或行为; E.g.: I have no time for such frivolities as parties. 我没时间去赴宴或参加诸如此类的无聊活动。 own up (to): admit a fault or crime, or doing something wrong 坦白地承认;供认 You had better own up to your faults. 你最好还是承认错误。 Paragraph 4 scurrilous: abusive and insulting, especially in a crude or obscene way; vulgar 用污言秽语谩骂的,恶言诽谤的 E.g.: a campaign filled with scurrilous charges and countercharges 一场双方辱骂攻讦不止的竞选运动 scurrility: scurrilousness; scurrilous language 谩骂性;粗鄙性;恶意谩骂; mean-spirited: 卑鄙的;心胸狭窄的,小心眼的,小气的 disown: refuse to accept as one’s own; say that one has no connection with E.g.: He disowned any hand in the book. 他否认曾插手该书的编写工作。 He disowned his reprobate son. 他声明同他堕落的儿子脱离关系。 amiable: of a pleasant nature; good-tempered; friendly 和蔼可亲的;令人愉悦的 E.g.: an amiable tone 亲切的语调 We have a very amiable companionship. 我们之间存在一种亲切友好的关系。 Paragraph 5 rumor-monger (n. v.): a person who spread rumors; spread rumors monger: person who makes something unpleasant widely known 传播坏事的人 slander (n. v.): an intentional f



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