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Economics of Strategy Besanko, Dranove, Shanley and Schaefer, 4th Edition Chapter 11 Strategic Positioning for Competitive Advantage Slide show prepared by Richard Ponarul California State University, Chico Strategic Positioning Firms within the same industry can position themselves in different ways Not all positions will be equally profitable or lead to the same odds of survival A firm’s ability to create value and enjoy a competitive advantage over other firms depends on how it positions itself within its industry Competitive Advantage and Value Creation A firms is said to have a competitive advantage in a market if it earns a higher rate of economic profit compared to the average economic profit in the industry Economic profit earned by a firm depends on the market conditions as well as the economic value created by the firm Competitive Advantage and Value Creation A firm can achieve competitive advantage only if it can create more economic value than its competitors A firm’s ability to create value depends on its cost position as well as its benefit position relative to its competitors Framework for Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage and Profitability: Evidence Research on the variation in profitability across firms by Anita McGahan and Michael Porter shows that – 19% of the variation is due to industry effects – 32% is due to competitive advantage of firms – 43% of the variation is random – 4% of the variation is attributable to the corporate parent and about 2% is the year effect Industry and Business Unit Effects in Profitability Value Creation and Profitability Value created = consumer surplus + producer’s profit Consumer surplus is the difference between


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