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英语七年级(下) Units 1—12词组 邮局 post office 公共电话 pay phone 在中心街 on Center Street 在..对面 across from 在..之间 between …and 在..前面 in front of 在附近 in the neighborhood  直走 go straight 左转 turn left 右转 turn right 在新公园右拐 turn right at New Park 散步 take a walk …的开头 the beginning of 游园 garden tour 参观大桥街visit Bridge Street 欢迎来welcome to 玩高兴have fun 下周日 next Sunday 到..去的路the way to 乘出租车take a taxi 经过一个银行pass a bank 穿过 go through 沿着go down 旅途愉快have a good trip 到达 arrive at/in… 先做某事do sth. first 有点 kind of 来自be from/come from 什么动物what animals 别的什么动物what other animals 吃草eat grass 吃树叶 eat leaves 白天睡觉sleep during the day在晚上 at night 和...玩耍play with 外出 go out 外出吃饭go out to dinner 想成为 want to be 和…工作 work with 为…工作 work for 警察局police station 银行职员 bank clrk 给某人东西give sb. sth.从某人得到什么get sth.from sb. 和..说话talk to / with 谈论… talk about 校园剧school play 作为…的工作work as… 写故事 write stories 给谁打电话call sb. at… 店员 shop assistant 笔友 pen pal 说英语 speak English 想做… want to … 一点a little+不可数名词 有there be 安静be quilt 等待wait for 相当不错pretty good 还行 not bad 照相 take photo 玩高兴 have a good time 为了 in order to 沙滩排球beach volleyball在渡假on vacation 直/卷发 straight/curly hair 长/短发 long/short hair 中等个 medium height 中等身材 medium build 看起来像look like 篮球队队长the captain of the basketball team 讲笑话 tell jokes 有点 a little bit 停止做… stop doing sth. 停下来做…stop to do sth. 金头发的男孩 a boy with blonde hair 受欢迎的be popular 一位戴滑稽眼镜的摇滚歌手a rock singer with funny glasses 一副新形象a new look 戴眼镜/围巾wear glasses/scarf 来自伦敦的安Ann from London 有胡子have/has a beard 购物go shopping 想要某物would like sth. 想做某事would like to do sth . 什么种类what kind of 多大碗的… what size bowl of… 一大/中/小碗面a big/medim/small bowl of noodles 橙汁orange juice 绿茶green tea 饺子店 house of dumplings 15个商品卖10元钱 RMB10 for 15 甜食店dessert house 做作业do homework 踢足球play soccer 打网球play tennis 清扫房间clean the room 去海滩go to the beach 去看电影go to the movies/watch a movie 去图书馆go to the library 上周末last weekend 在早上/中午/傍晚in the morning/afternoon/evening 在晚上 at night 在周六的早上on Saturday morning 拜访我的叔叔v


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