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KEY OUTCOMES 重要成果 IP Protection in E-Commerce Conference of 2016 电子商务中的知识产权保护 2016年会议 Beijing, 21April 2017 2017年4月21 日,北京 Elliot Papageorgiou 潘安略 National Chair – IPR Working Group 知 识产权工作组主席 Main Themes 主要议题 • Global and Chinese e-commerce markets have seen explosive growth– many B2C websites have grown by at least 20% yearly (by revenue); some by as much as 50% - that trend is continuing. 全球及中国电子商务市场经历了爆发式增长——众多B2C 网站每 年至少增长20% (按收入计算);部分网站甚至增长达50%——而 且增长势头不减。 • Infringement is a problem that bridges the ‘on-line to off-line’ sphere - Authorities are increasingly finding that small parcel deliveries are making up an ever higher percentage of infringing items seized. 侵权是一个需要“线上和线下”合作处理的问题——有关部门越 发发现,小包裹递送货物占查获的侵权物品比例越来越高。 Main Themes 重要议题 • All participants agreed that the cooperation comes at a crucial time as a veritable e-commerce revolution unfolds, and that IP protection is the key to unlocking the substantial potential of e-commerce both for China and the EU. 全部参与人均同意在这个真正的电子商务革命来临的关键时刻应开展 合作,且对中国和欧盟而言,知识产权保护都是释放电子商务巨大潜 力的关键所在。 • Both the Chinese and EU governments affirmed their strong commitment at the highest levels, to deal with the challenges posed by online counterfeiting – Online counterfeiting is one of the strategic priorities of the respective governments. 中国和欧盟政府均在最高层面作出强有力的承诺,处理网络售假所带 来的挑战—— 网络售假是两方政府的战略重点之一。 Module 1 – Procedures for tracking counterfeits 模块1——追踪假货的程序 • Dealt with Notice and Take-down procedures for tracking counterfeits in e-commerce, how they worked in practice; their major challenges and potential improvements were


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